The “largest Breton flag in the world” soon to be deployed in Nantes by an association advocating the reunification of Brittany


The À la Bretonne association has announced its intention to deploy the largest Breton flag in the world, also called “Gwenn Ha Du”. This action will take place next Sunday, February 20 in Nantes, at 11 a.m.

If the exact dimensions of this flag remain mysterious for the moment, the president of the association, Christophe Prugne has nevertheless advanced to Le Figaro, “that it will be several tens of meters long”, while making it clear that it will be “a surprise”.

On its site, the association created in 2020, promises “that this will be the first episode, particularly spectacular, of a long series of actions intended to impose this file on the agenda of the candidates” for the election. 2022 presidential election, the first round of which will take place on April 10.

Organization of a referendum

These actions aim to obtain from the candidates, a commitment to the organization of a referendum, within the framework of the demand for the reunification of Brittany with the Pays de la Loire region. It must be said that the question of this connection “has been debated for 50 years”, as recalled by the leader of the association, who believes that “to decide, you have to go through popular expression”.

Thus, by insisting on a citizen vote, Christophe Prugne defends a “democratic demand”, which had moreover gathered more than 100,000 signatures in 2018, in a petition which called for the organization of a vote.


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