The Last Of Us on Prime Video: do you need to know video games to watch the series?

Broadcast in France on Prime Video, The Last Of Us is the long-awaited adaptation of the famous video game. Should we know the video game franchise before seeing the series with Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey?

Awaited at the turn by fans of the famous video game franchise, The Last Of Us series is the event of the beginning of the year 2023. This work overseen by Neil Druckmann (creator of video games) and Craig Mazin (Chernobyl) has the heavy strives to transcribe a story that has moved many players in live action.

As a reminder, The Last Of Us tells the journey of Joel and Ellie, two survivors of a pandemic, who cross a post-apocalyptic America and ravaged by a virus originating from a fungus and infecting humans.

And the two showrunners have made sure to stay faithful to video games in order to satisfy the fans, who have great hopes in this adaptation. But the vocation of The Last Of Us is to attract and please the greatest number.

Should you play video games before watching The Last Of Us?

The ins and outs of The Last Of Us are well explained and introduced in the series so that everyone can enjoy the experience and the story and especially the characters for what they are. Because it is for Neil Druckmann the priority, as he explained to The Magic Crain:

“There are two different ways to enjoy a story. There’s one where you know nothing, and every part is surprising and you don’t know where it’s going to go. And then there’s one where you know where it’s going. goes and you enjoy its execution, and perhaps most importantly to us, the characters portrayed in it.”

Above all, expect some differences in storytelling and treatment between the game and the series. So even video game fans will have surprises watching the adaptation of The Last Of Us, like people who don’t know the story.


To tell the truth, even the two main actors Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey did not play video games and they were asked not to play in order to appropriate their characters for themselves. The interpreter of Ellie explained it to USA Today in an interview:

“I was actually encouraged not to play the game. After my first audition, they asked me if I had played it. And I told them no. And they told me not to I did watch some of the gameplay on YouTube though just to get a feel for the game.”

So don’t worry, you don’t have to have played video games, seen game gameplay or know any elements of the game to be able to enjoy the series. The Last Of Us is accessible to all audiences, whether they are fans or novices.

Obviously, if you are won over by the series, we can only encourage you to play video games in order to enjoy the most complete experience. Considered masterpieces by gamers and the specialized press, The Last Of Us: Part I and The Last Of Us: Part II are games that have had a profound impact on the video game world and that may well surprise you.

The Last Of Us is broadcast in US+24 on Amazon Prime Video in France from January 16.

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