The Last of Us – Season 2: HBO reveals first visuals before the return of the series

The Last of Us shows the first images of its season 2.


Next year, season 2 of The Last of Us will most likely be a big source of subscribers for the Max streaming platform. The first season was a great success, both critically and in terms of audiences, and the sequel is eagerly awaited, both by connoisseurs of the video games from which it is inspired and by newbies. To wait until his return, HBO decided to occupy the field by revealing two small images.

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Joel and Ellie still united

These images, captured during filming, were revealed by Casey Bloys, CEO of HBO and Max, at the Warner Bros. Upfronts. Discovery. This event was also the opportunity to discover the trailer for the prequel series Dunewhich is coming to Max this fall.

No risk of spoilers however, since these are simply visuals of the two heroes, Joel (Pedro Pascal) and Ellie (Bella Ramsey).

Pedro Pascal in The Last of Us

Pedro Pascal will obviously be back.


Bella Ramsey in The Last of Us

No The Last of Us without Bella Ramsey.


Casting update

In addition to Bella Ramsey and Pedro Pascal, we will find Gabriel Luna in the role of Tommy and Rutina Wesley in the role of Maria. The main addition to the casting is undoubtedly that of Kaitlyn Dever in the skin of Abby, a very central character.

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She will be joined by Isabela Merced (Dina), Young Mazino (Jesse), Ariela Barer (Mel), Tati Gabrielle (Nora), Spencer Lord (Owen) and Danny Ramirez (Manny). Some of these names should mean something to players. On the guest side, Catherine O’Hara (Schitt’s Creek) will also appear in the series.

To finish on the names, Craig Mazin and Neil Druckmann continue to occupy the positions of writers and executive producers to ensure continuity with the first season.

What we know about season 2 of The Last of Us

The image of Joel and his long hair may evoke a jump in time for this season 2, about which we don’t know much at the moment. Will the new episodes faithfully adapt the second game, or will they prefer to play for time and offer something original to stretch the plot until a hypothetical season 3?

There will be more infected in season 2 of The Last of Us.

There will be more infected in season 2 of The Last of Us.


At the end of the first season, our heroes joined the safe community of Jackson, led by Maria and Tommy. Of course, the situation will not stay calm for long. Especially since Mazin promised more infected in this season 2. There is no doubt that by the end of filming scheduled for August-September (postponed due to the writers’ strike), other information and visuals will be broadcast, particularly around Abby.

While waiting for Max’s arrival in France on June 11, the first season of The Last of Us can be seen or rewatched via the Prime Video Warner Pass.

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