The Last of Us: these filming videos that should delight fans

Long-awaited by video game fans, The Last of Us series is revealed a little more with new images and filming videos that have leaked.


Expected for 2023 on HBO, the television adaptation of the video game The Last Of Us by HBO is still filming in Canada. Officially commissioned in November 2020, the series created, written and produced by Craig Mazin (Chernobyl) and Neil Druckmann is getting more and more revealed with new, quite impressive leaked images that reveal some plot elements.

In addition to the prestigious technical team brought together to box the series, fans will be delighted to know that the Argentinian composer Gustavo Santaolalla, who produced the soundtrack for both games, will sign the music for the series. Aficionados should therefore expect an interesting adaptation of the video game franchise, between respect for the spirit of the source material and a few freedoms which will reinforce the narration of the show, as these new filming videos indicate.

True-to-game elements and new features

Among these videos, we find one that should reassure fans of video games since we see Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey, two former Game of Thrones players who have been chosen to play Joel and Ellie, in full action.

The two are breaking into a building, Ellie stepping in front through a window in order to open up to Joel from inside. This maneuver is one of the key mechanics of The Last of Us video games, at least the first part.

Another video shows us a demonstration of a crowd against the FEDRA, the Federal Disaster Management Agency allied with the army, which controlled quarantine zones and which had to face uprisings of small groups, in particular the Fireflies, the Hunters and the Washington Liberation Front.

These images are perhaps a sign of flashbacks in the series since in the first installment, FEDRA’s control over the quarantine zones is lessened but its power is still intact as it pursues Joel, Ellie and Tess when they try to reach the Capitol Building. Moreover, according to several theories, including Eurogamer, this sequence in the video would take place in the Pittsburgh quarantine zone, an abandoned place that Joel and Ellie visit in the game.

Finally, a last video introduces us to a new character, who is not present in the video game franchise. This is Perry, whom his interpreter Jeffrey Pierce (who played Tommy in the video games) presents as a character “which is part of a whole new branch that has huge implications for in-game events”.

According to him, this character will reveal new things about the game and bring “even more sense”. The fans of the first hour should therefore be delighted by this new character that we will discover in the series, expected for 2023 on HBO across the Atlantic. For the moment, The Last of Us does not yet have a broadcaster in France.

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