the last update broke everything, it’s a disaster


The latest PS5 update appears to have brought some very unwanted side effects to many players who are reporting massive issues.

The latest PS5 update has added a fully customizable home screen, as well as the ability to finally change its background. But it also reportedly caused huge graphical issues on many games. This was first reported on Final Fantasy 16, but it seems that many other titles are also impacted.

A problematic reception for the latest PS5 update

Since yesterday, many players have been complaining about terrible graphical problems on many games on PS5. These include black images occupying the entire screen, and other visual artifacts making everything absolutely unplayable. Little by little, they have found a common denominator in the latest firmware update of the console. All have indeed reported such bugs after its installation. The alarm bell was first sounded concerning Final Fantasy 16, but this is clearly a case far from isolated.

On Reddit, PS5 players have gathered to take stock of the bugs encountered since the said update. The list seems particularly long and would affect radically different titles. For now, here are some of the games regularly listed as being affected by this most problematic situation:

So it’s not just for PS5 exclusives, and the problem seems to be particularly widespread. As with Square Enix regarding Final Fantasy 16, Sony is reportedly investigating with the developers of the affected games to try to find a solution to this very thorny problem. Let’s hope that all this will be resolved quickly, probably by a new update. However, let’s keep our fingers crossed that this one doesn’t have any very undesirable side effects in turn.

Source: Reddit


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