The latest on the corona crisis – Spain wants to do without isolation in the event of a slight infection – News

  • 22:08

    Task force leader: “Science definitely needs more”

    The federal experts provided information on the current corona situation for the 100th time today – convinced that it should also be the last time. At the end of March, the Covid task force will also stop working after two years. This also ends an intensive phase for Tanja Stadler, the head of the task force. Collect numbers, explain graphics, find the balance between warning and reassuring. In the SRF interview, Stadler looks back on her work and comments on further developments. Science continues to need it, for example with regard to Long Covid and long-term effects on mental health. A lot of research is still needed.

  • 21:06

    Spain refrains from isolation if there is only a slight corona infection

    Corona infected people with no or only mild symptoms of illness usually no longer have to go into domestic isolation in Spain from Monday. The Ministry of Health in Madrid agreed this with the autonomous communities of the country, as the ministry announced.

    The previous measures should only continue to apply to groups of people who are at risk. This would include all people over 60 and those with an immune deficiency, as well as pregnant women and healthcare workers.

    The previous obligation to test and report a possible corona infection is also no longer applicable, except in particularly serious cases. This will make Corona a normal disease like the flu, writes the newspaper “El País”.

  • 19:00

    Biden spokeswoman tested positive

    Before US President Joe Biden planned to travel to Europe because of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, his spokeswoman Jen Psaki was again infected with the corona virus. Psaki said she tested positive on Tuesday and will no longer accompany the President to Europe. Biden himself was also tested on Tuesday, his PCR test was negative. She had two meetings with the President on Monday, but kept her distance. According to the guidelines of the health authority CDC, Biden is therefore not considered a “close contact”.

    Psaki’s message also said that thanks to the vaccination, she only had mild symptoms. She will work from home and plans to return to work in person after a five-day isolation period and a negative test. Psaki had already contracted Covid last fall. At the time, she had stated that she had only mild symptoms.

  • 18:32

    Italy has the second highest number of fatalities in Europe

    The Italian health authorities reported 96,365 new infections and 197 new deaths related to the corona virus on Tuesday. Italy has registered a total of 158,101 corona deaths since the pandemic began – in absolute terms this is the second highest number in Europe after Great Britain and the eighth highest in the world. Italy has so far reported a total of 13,99 million new infections.

  • 17:54

    Labor market: number of employed rises in the 4th quarter

    The Swiss labor market continued to recover from the corona pandemic in the last quarter of last year. The number of people in employment continued to increase from October to December 2021, and the unemployment rate fell accordingly. The number of people in employment rose by 1.1 percent to 5.18 million in the reporting period compared to the same quarter of the previous year, as announced by the Federal Statistical Office. Seasonally adjusted – i.e. compared to the previous quarter – the increase was 0.6 percent.

    A different development was evident for Swiss and foreigners: the growth rate among employed persons of Swiss nationality was much lower at 0.6 percent than that of foreign employed persons, whose number rose by 2.1 percent. According to the BFS, the increase was greatest among cross-border commuters who have a G permit, at 4.4 percent.

  • 17:01

    German Federal President infected with Corona

    Germany’s Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Büdenbender have been infected with the corona virus. A quick test and a PCR test were positive on Tuesday, a spokeswoman said. “The symptoms are mild.” Steinmeier and his wife immediately went into domestic isolation. All close contacts have been informed, according to a statement.

    Frank Walter Steinmeier.


    According to the German Federal President’s Office, Steinmeier received his third corona vaccination on November 12.

    key stone

  • 16:25

    Baselland: Three members of the government in isolation

    Since three of the five government councilors and the government spokesman are in Covid-19 isolation, the Basel-based executive had to meet via video conference on Tuesday. The ability of the government council to lead is ensured at all times, according to a statement.

    The three isolated government members Kathrin Schweizer (SP), Monica Gschwind (FDP) and Isaac Reber (Greens) as well as the second state clerk who acted as government spokesman went about their work in the home office, it is said. The infrastructure for virtual meetings was already in place when the Corona crisis began.

  • 15:38

    The most important of today’s Point de Presse

    • BA.2 dominant: Patrick Mathys, head of the Crisis Management and International Cooperation section at the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG), said that around 10 percent of the population are still potential virus carriers and could be contagious. “Responsible for the infections is mainly the sub-variant BA.2.”
    • High number of cases: Despite the currently high number of cases, a significant reduction in infections can be expected in the coming months. Thanks to the high level of immunity, high numbers of cases can now be allowed without risking the health institutions being overburdened again.
    • Corona case numbers only weekly: Mathys further explained that the current corona key figures will only be communicated once a week from April. The current figures would be announced every Tuesday afternoon. Today’s Point de Presse is also the last one planned. Depending on the situation, such events could also take place in the future.
    • Future samples: Spot checks on selected people should help to identify any new virus variants in good time.
    • No second booster vaccination: The FOPH and the Federal Commission for Vaccination (Ekif) currently do not recommend a second booster vaccination against the coronavirus – neither in general nor for a specific patient group.
  • 15:14

    End of today’s Point de Presse

    This ends today’s point de press of the BAG. We thank you for your attention and will continue to keep you up to date on events relating to the corona virus here in the live ticker.

  • 15:03

    Would a national register be conceivable for Long Covid?

    Would a national register be conceivable for Long Covid? This is what a journalist would like to know. “We are not at all opposed to data being collected and studies being carried out,” explains Mathys. Health data would be among the most sensitive data of all. Therefore, one must be careful here to collect broad data. “But we are also in favor of learning more about Long Covid.”

  • 14:56

    Do the vaccines need to be adjusted?

    A journalist wants to know whether the vaccines still need to be adjusted. “We know that the current vaccine works well,” says Berger. Adapted vaccines are being worked on.

  • 14:53

    Mathys: “Protection against severe infection lasts longer than 4 months”

    After four months, the protection provided by the first booster vaccination wears off. Why isn’t a second booster vaccination recommended, asks a journalist.

    The vaccine is not missing and we don’t want to forbid anyone to get a second booster shot,” Mathys replies. “The protection against a serious infection lasts longer than four months. The current evidence does not support the need for a second booster after four months.”

  • 14:51

    How will the cantons keep track of things from April?

    How will the cantons be able to work from April without large-scale contact tracing? “We will remain in contact with the BAG, also with the hospitals,” says Hauri. Together they make a layout to see what the situation in the respective canton would look like.

  • 14:48

    Should the unvaccinated and children still be vaccinated?

    A journalist wants to know whether it is still worthwhile for unvaccinated people and children to be vaccinated. “Yes, the recommendations still apply. For everyone aged 12 and over, this means that they should have two mRNA vaccinations and one booster vaccination administered at least two months later. It stays that way and is the best-documented prerequisite for protection against Covid-19,” replies Christoph Berger, President of the Federal Commission for Vaccination (EKIF).

    The following applies to children aged 5 to 11: Anyone who has not had a documented infection should receive two doses of vaccine – but no booster vaccination, explains Berger. “The viral load is significantly lower in children, which is why we do not recommend a booster vaccination.”

  • 14:46

    Mathys: “It cannot be that the state has to take the population by the hand”

    Isolation could fall on April 1st. Do you lose track? This is what a journalist would like to know. “We have to find the balance between the much-praised personal responsibility and the official measures.” According to Mathys, it cannot be that the state has to take the population by the hand.

  • 14:45

    Mathys: “Anyone who has symptoms does not belong in the workplace”

    “In my opinion, anyone who has symptoms and who may also know from a test that he or she has Covid-19 does not belong on public transport or at work. That is unreasonable,” emphasizes Patrick Mathys.

  • 14:41

    Have many people been infected more than once?

    The question and answer session is open. A journalist would like to know whether many people are currently infected with the virus more than once. “For many weeks, the infection rate has been very high,” says Stadler. We know that people can get infected more than once.

    “Reinfection is only considered if there are two positive tests within 90 days.” This number is very low, says Mathys. The reinfections at Omikron are rather small, as far as data are available here.

  • 14:36

    Hauri urges compliance with hygiene rules

    In the individual cantons, the situation must again be assessed primarily locally and regionally, Rudolf Hauri continues. “Even if the corona measures should be lifted at the beginning of April, it is still appropriate that we do not immediately forget all the rules such as hand hygiene, ventilation and wearing masks in confined indoor spaces. In this way, we are helping to protect people at increased risk.”

  • 14:34

    Hauri: “Many infections at work and in sports”

    Rudolf Hauri, Zug Cantonal Physician and President of the Association of Cantonal Physicians (VKS), comments on the situation in the cantons: “Viral activity is still very high, although it varies somewhat from canton to canton. Carnival and other small celebrations were quickly reflected in increasing infections. From contact tracing, we currently see infections in addition to family and friends, mainly at work and during sports. This is not surprising given the easy transferability of the Omikron variant.»

  • 14:32

    “Even after the end of the task force, there will continue to be research on SARS-CoV-2”

    Many people are affected by Long Covid and need appropriate treatment, Stadler said. Long-term mental health is also important. “Even after the end of the task force, research on SARS-CoV-2 will continue,” says Stadler.

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