The latest on the corona pandemic – 7-day average falls by 24 percent – News

  • 15:35

    Weekly update: BAG reports 28,244 new cases

    • The Federal Office of Public Health has today 28,244 new cases reported who tested positive for the coronavirus in the last week.
    • That’s it 7-day moving average at 4486. These are 24 percent less than in the previous week. The 14-day incidence is current 939.46.
    • The BAG reports 344 new hospital admissionsthe 14-day average is included 59 hospital admissions per day. Get current 1153 people treated in a hospital for Covid-19. These are 15 percent less than in the previous week.
    • Currently are 81 Covid-19 patients in intensive care. These are 9 percent less compared to the previous week. the intensive care beds in Swiss hospitals (including ad hoc beds) are currently closed 68 percent fully occupied. 10 percent of the intensive care beds are occupied by Covid 19 patients.
    • The BAG reports 37 new deceased. The 7-day average is included 5 deceased.
    • The positive rate in the 7-day average is currently 28.6 percent. This means that out of 100 tests, around 29 tests were positive on average. Compared to the previous week, the positive rate is over 3 percentage points dropped. The test volume in the 7-day average is included 18,783 tests per day and is thus over compared to the previous week 12 percent dropped.
    • So far in Switzerland 15’734’558 vaccinations administered (including “booster” vaccinations). According to current calculations are average 915 people vaccinated per day. These are 44.8 percent less than in the previous week. Currently have with it 69.1 percent of the population received at least two doses (“fully vaccinated”). 42.8 percent of the population have already received a third dose (“booster”).
  • 13:19

    Moderna: Combined booster vaccine successful in study

    The US pharmaceutical manufacturer Moderna has achieved promising results in a study with its further developed corona vaccine: The bivalent booster vaccine, which targets both the beta variant and the original corona virus, has a better immune response against a number of Virus variants including Omicron achieved, Moderna announced. The vaccine produced higher neutralizing antibody titers against the omicron variant than the booster dose of the vaccine currently in use.

    Bivalent vaccines immunize against two pathogens or two types of pathogens. However, Moderna does not plan to apply directly for approval of the bivalent vaccine, including the beta variant, said Jacqueline Miller, a leading Moderna scientist. However, the data would be sent to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to lay the groundwork for a future bivalent vaccine candidate that targets the omicron variant.


    300 subjects took part in the study in the USA. Moderna has also started testing another bivalent vaccine that combines an omicron-specific vaccine with its original. The first data on this is to be published in the second quarter.

    key stone

  • 9:49

    Shanghai reports more deaths

    In the corona wave in Shanghai, seven more deaths related to Covid 19 infections have been reported. According to state media, the authorities reported that there were patients between the ages of 60 and 101 with previous illnesses.

    After being admitted to the hospital, her condition deteriorated significantly. The day before, the authorities had already reported that three older patients, also with previous illnesses, had died after being infected with the corona virus.

    The eastern Chinese port metropolis is at the center of the largest corona outbreak in China since the pandemic began a good two years ago. There has been an extensive lockdown in Shanghai since the end of March. Most of the 26 million inhabitants are not allowed to leave their homes. Nevertheless, there are around 20,000 new infections every day, but mostly asymptomatic. As of this week, no deaths had been reported in Shanghai.


    China’s rigid corona strategy

    Out of daily News from 05.04.2022.

    play. Running time 1 minute 30 seconds.

  • 7:08

    Cantons are preparing for autumn

    The Conference of Cantonal Governments (KdK) is drawing lessons from the corona pandemic. At the operational level, a permanent, cross-departmental crisis management team is needed, in which the cantons are also represented, said KdK President Christian Rathgeb.

    The cantons had spoken out against a more dominant role for the KdK. Rather, they wanted earlier, closer and, above all, direct involvement by the federal government, he said in an interview with the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”.

    Cooperation between the federal government and the cantons has improved over the course of the pandemic. The system emerged stronger from the crisis. The gear train has become more precise and faster.

    The conference of health directors is working flat out on the preparations should the number of cases rise again in autumn. She’ll be making recommendations soon. It is important that the time until autumn is used.


    How well has Switzerland coped with the pandemic?

    out of echo of time from 03/30/2022.

    play. Running time 3 minutes 55 seconds.

  • 7:01 a.m

    Corona update

    Good Morning

    In our Corona ticker we keep you up to date on the latest developments in the situation in Switzerland and around the world.

  • 6:59

    The most important things from the last few days

    • In the USA has a federal judge the statewide Corona mask obligation in public transport for invalid explained.
    • Of the Zurich Kloten Airport handled around 280,000 passengers from Good Friday to Easter Monday. This corresponds to around 70 percent of the passenger volume in the period before the corona crisis.
    • Same for days shanghai a ghost town – the metropolis of millions is in a lockdown. Now there should be the first easing, not least because of the growing anger among the population
    • The USA, Germany and other countries invite you to a second one on May 12th international online summit to the corona pandemic.
    • Austria has further relaxed the corona protection measures: As of today, there is no longer a general obligation to wear masks indoors

    You can find all the reports on the coronavirus from the past week here.

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