the “lean” proteins to favor in the evening to be satiated

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Discover without further delay what are these lean proteins that will help you lose your excess pounds!

Everyone knows that to promote the proper functioning of your body, it is essential to have good eating habits and in particular a balanced diet. Five fruits and vegetables a day, of course, but we must not neglect protein intake. Be careful all the same not to bet only on fatty proteins, it is indeed those called “lean” ones that must be favored, especially for evening meals, what is more when one wishes lose some weight. And for good reason, easy to digest, they promote sleep and limit the storage of fat. Find out below 5 lean proteins to integrate into your diet without further delay.

1. The chicken is without context your best ally at dinner (and not only)! Of course, the part with the least fat and therefore to be consumed “without moderation” is the egg white, with a maximum of 2% fat for 20 grams of protein (per 100 grams), as the site specifies.

2. Turkey is also a good choice since it contains little lipids and provides nearly 25% protein per 100 grams, while also being a source of iron, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

3. Eggs : lean proteins par excellence! They contain minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. One egg will give you about 6 grams of protein.

4. Cod is also a safe bet since with a serving of 100 grams you will gain about 17 grams of lean protein. A delicious fish and above all very low in calories.

5. Chickpeas are a wise choice when you want to control your weight and even lose a few pounds. And for good reason, they are low in fat and cholesterol, and contain about 8 grams of protein per 100 grams.

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Intermittent fasting

If a balanced diet and regular practice of a sports activity are good for health at all levels, another alternative is also effective. Indeed, according to research published in the scientific journal cells, intermittent fasting would have very positive impacts on the health of our arteries. It would have the ability to participate in the reduction of cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, and promotes the elimination of lipids by the liver. Be careful though: what the study by the Toulouse researchers also brought to light is that to have beneficial effects, it is imperative to combine the diet with a Healthy eating. It should also be noted that for many people, intermittent fasting makes it possible to limit their weight gain, due to the fact that the meals are restricted in time and quantity. Now it’s up to you!

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