The least fulfilled French women in Europe


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Ifop was interested in the sexuality of European women during the pandemic. And according to their study, the French are not in the top of the ranking.

There are statistics that do not work in our favor. For The Poken Company platform, Ifop carried out a study to know the state of sexuality of European women in the current context of the pandemic. To carry it out successfully, 5,025 women living in Spain, Italy, France, Germany and the United Kingdom were approached. And according to the conclusions of the polling company, 35% of French women surveyed are not fulfilled in their private life. A higher percentage than the Germans (23%) and the British (27%). And since the last survey carried out on the same subject in 2018, where they were already the most dissatisfied, the gap has tended to widen.

On the emotional level, there too it is not joy. Like their British neighbors, 28% of French women are dissatisfied. But how to explain this annoyance? The study informs that the survey was carried out in March 2021 and that at this time of the year, 37% of European women, including 41% of French women, had not had sex during the month preceding the investigation. But that’s not all. According to François Kraus, director of the “Gender, sexualities and sexual health” expertise at Ifop, “the main impacts of the crisis on the psychological health of populations are all likely to alter libido and / or sexual fulfillment”. He adds that other similar studies have been done in the UK and US and their results show “a downward trend among young adults before the health crisis”.

Evolving sexual practices

Also according to the study, certain sexual practices have evolved with the pandemic and the emergence of feminist movements. There would exist “A disaffection of European women for the sexual games popularized by the X movies and marking a form of symbolic submission to their male partner”. In 2021, 45% of women surveyed indicated that their partner had already ejaculated in their mouth, compared to 52% in 2016.

Conversely, certain practices such as sodomy, 51% of French women say they have been initiated against 35% of British people, are gaining ground. For François Kraus, this increase in anal practices is explained by a growth in “The sexual autonomy of European women”.

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