The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 may be too clean to run on current Switch, analysts say

The postponement of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 in the year 2023 was nothing very surprising, given that we had very little news of the title for several months. Yes nintendo said the postponement was motivated to provide the best possible experience, some people wondered if the game was delayed to get closer to the release of a new Switch, which is rumored for many years now. And one more clue would go some way in that direction, at least in theory.

New Switch or upgraded trailer?

The Digital Foundry team had fun dissecting the latest images of this The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 (which is not officially called like that, but we will do with it) in order to see that this sequel seems to be a little too ambitious to run on Switch, at least on the current Switch according to John Linneman (quoted by GamesRadar):

This trailer was interesting because the picture quality looked pretty good I think. I was a little surprised by how sharp and clear this one was compared to the original in general. »

He also states that certain details like the volumetric clouds or the anti-aliasing present in the video seem to be a bit too clean for the Switch, to which Alex Battaglia replies:

It could be the next Switch, or it could just be a trailer higher rendering, resolution and settings. »

The second option actually seems the most plausible. There are many trailers that look good and do not represent the final game, especially when these trailers are released well before the release. But there is no doubt that this will give food for thought to fans of the theory of Switch Prowhich is still awaiting confirmation.

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