The lifeless body of a 7-year-old child with traces of freezing found in an apartment: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Thursday September 14, 2023, a macabre discovery was made in an apartment in Perpignan, located in the Pyrénées-Orientales department. The body of a seven-year-old child has been found, as it has been learned franceinfo with the city prosecutor’s office and police sources the day after the events. An investigation was opened, and two men were taken into custody. The discovery took place after a man called the funeral directors on Thursday September 14, 2023, to ask how to bury a child, according to a police source cited by our colleagues. The company contacted by this individual immediately notified the police, who went to the apartment of a father. Once there, police officers discovered the child’s father tied up, after breaking down the front door with a battering ram.. The man would in fact have wanted to simulate an attack, added this same source to franceinfo.

Two little girls found with “traces of trauma”

The body of the little boy was found in the bathroom bathtub, and showed marks on the body that could correspond to freezing. The seven-year-old’s two sisters, aged two and three respectively, were admitted to hospital. They wore “traces of multiple trauma”the prosecution told journalists from franceinfo. The little boy’s father and uncle, born in 1995 and 1990 respectively, have both been convicted in the past. The child’s father was known to the police for domestic violence, according to a police source. The investigation was opened to “attempted murder”in addition to “violence against minors under 15 years old by ascendant”, “corpse concealment”, “forgery and use of forgery” And “sequestration”. The Perpignan judicial police, as well as the criminal brigade of the city police station, are in charge of the case, said the prosecution.

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