“The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power”: This fan favorite only appears in season two

“The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power”
This fan-favorite doesn’t make an appearance until season two

Elves like Gil-galad, Galadriel and Elrond (from left) grow extremely old in the “Lord of the Rings” world.

© Amazon Studios

For the second season of “The Rings of Power” the series makers announce the appearance of a special fan favorite.

The Tolkien adaptation “The Rings of Power” has started on Amazon’s streaming service with great interest from viewers. Even before the release of the “Lord of the Rings” series, a second season was confirmed by Amazon – in total there should be five at the end. Speaking to Time, series co-creators JD Payne and Patrick McKay confirmed, that viewers will only see a special fan favorite among the elves in the already confirmed second installment of the fantasy series. We’re talking about Círdan the Shipwright.

Círdan is one of the most popular Elves among Tolkien fans

“We don’t want to give too much away,” explained showrunner Payne, “but one character that we’re excited for people to meet in season two is Círdan the Shipwright.” Círdan is one of the oldest Elves in the world imagined by JRR Tolkien (1892-1973), living from the so-called First to the Fourth Age. The Amazon series “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” takes place in the second age of Middle-earth, Peter Jackson’s (60) film trilogy in the third. As a result, series creator Payne said: “At the time of our history, he is the oldest of all known Elves in Middle-earth – in fact, he lived so long that he had a beard”.

Last but not least, that facial hair seems to have always fascinated Tolkien readers about Círdan. In Peter Jackson’s “Lord of the Rings” films he is seen briefly at the beginning of the prologue to the Battle of the Last Alliance against Sauron. At the end of the trilogy, he stands behind Elrond and Galadriel a second time, when they set off for the Elven kingdom of Valinor with Frodo, Gandalf and Bilbo Baggins. In both sequences, however, he does not wear a beard. However, since showrunner Payne now explicitly mentions Círdan’s beard, it can be assumed that the Elf will wear one in the second season of “The Rings of Power”.

In Tolkien’s fantasy world, Círdan is the lord of the Gray Havens. It is from this port city in the Kingdom of Lindon that the Elves of Middle-earth travel to the Undying Lands. This was also seen in the premiere episode of “The Rings of Power”. The main character Galadriel (Morfydd Clark, 33) is here with her battle group by ship to the area also called Valinor, before she changes her mind at the last second and goes overboard.


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