The Lord of the Rings – The Rings of Power: Which Mysterious Voice Is Isildur Calling?


Isildur is one of the main characters in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. Which path is destined for him remains to be seen. A mysterious voice seems to be calling him, but whose is it?

The Lord of the Rings - The Rings of Power

The Lord of the Rings – The Rings of Power (Source: Amazon Prime Video)

  • “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” shows us in Isildur a character who is extremely important for the history of Middle-earth.
  • His father Elendil wants Isildur to join the Seawatch, but Isildur is called afar by a mysterious voice.
  • But who does this voice belong to? Does she have good intentions or does she want to draw Isildur to the dark side?

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So far we got to know Isildur in “The Rings of Power” as a youthful and headstrong aspirant to the sea watch. How will his development and relationship with his father Elendil progress in the series? Especially since he is now also receiving mysterious calls to the East!

Isildur and the Sea

In “The Rings of Power” the special relationship between the Númenoreans and the sea is made clear. Ships, the navy and the sea are of enormous importance to them. Likewise for the young Isildur, who wants to go with his friends to the prestigious Sea Watch. He’s doing quite well as a contender, but something seems to be throwing him off course.

One quickly notices that Isildur is struggling with his predetermined path. His father, Elendil, wants far more than Isildur to follow in his footsteps as a captain. But Isildur would like to be more “outside”, exploring the world seems to be his longing.

A voice Isildur hears just before he is expelled from Seawatch could be a first omen of what awaits him. This mysterious but friendly-sounding voice calls to Isildur. We see the coasts of Númenor and the highest mountain on the island of Meneltarma. It is unclear who it comes from and what exactly it means.

Is his mother calling for Isildur?

The voice Isildur hears on the sea watch training boat is clearly female. Therefore, the assumption is close that it could be his mother. We haven’t met her in the series yet and since nothing is known about her from the books either, she would be another Amazon Original character.

After Isildur is expelled from the Sea Watch with his friends, we learn from a hurtful comment from his comrade Valandil that Isildur’s mother is dead. This could explain the difficult family relationships and emerging conflicts. It is quite conceivable that Isildur’s mother held the family together and that each member, especially Isildur, had a close bond with her.

Her deceased spirit now appears to be calling to Isildur or wanting to say something to Isildur. Maybe she tries – apparently successfully – to dissuade him from the way of the Sea Watch. Or she issues a warning that his way is the wrong one. In any case, the voice seems to be trying to dissuade Isildur from taking a new path.

The voice of one god?

Since the mysterious voice seems to come from the east and the great mountain of Númonor is clearly visible, another theory could also be envisaged. On the peak of Meneltarma in central Númenor is a shrine to Iluvatar, the one god in Tolkien’s universe. Apart from the destruction of Númenor and the transformation of the world, he never interfered in the affairs of mortals.

But since Isildur is directly involved in the fate of his nation and, above all, in saving it, Iluvatar could use his voice (or his mother’s) to steer him in the right direction. However, the Valar themselves could also contact Isildur here, as they communicate more with the Earthlings than Illuvatar himself.

However, the fact that the voice tries to harm Isildur and even belongs to an evil entity cannot be completely ruled out. This would mark Sauron’s first intervention in the human kingdom.

As a target, Isildur would be perfect, as Evil knows of his father’s role as one of the strongest followers of the Elves loyal to the Valar. Weakening and confusing Isildur would be a perfect move for the still lurking dark ruler. But does he already have enough power to exert such far-reaching influence?

It remains to be seen whether the identity of the mysterious voice will ever be clarified. But the impact is already huge. After Isildur is no longer part of the Sea Watch, he volunteers for the upcoming battle in the Southlands. No matter who the voice came from, it has successfully reached out to Isildur and has already significantly changed his fate.

The Lord of the Rings: Evaluating the Rings of Power
genreDrama, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
first airing


First broadcast in Germany


More sources


Amazon Studios, New Line Cinema, HarperCollins Publishers, Tolkien Enterprises


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