“The management of the retirement rights of ministers of religion constitutes a denial of legality and secularism”

Tribune. The explanatory memorandum to the “separatism” law on “respect for the principles of the Republic” precise : “An insidious but powerful community entryism, essentially of Islamist inspiration, is the manifestation of a conscious, theorized, politico-religious political project, the ambition of which is to make religious norms prevail over common law”.

However, the assertion of the supremacy of religious law is not confined to Islamism. This bill is addressed to all religions, and therefore to the Catholic religion.

The latter, as a whole, cannot be suspected of carrying a project of this nature. On the contrary, it broadcasts, through Pope Francis, a message and action of justice, peace and respect for differences.

However, in France, in the area of ​​retirement rights for ministers of religion, it is implementing such a project in a conscious, theorized and permanent manner. She thus claims “The ambition (…) to make religious norms prevail over common law”.

Appeal and cassation

The Old Age, Disability and Religious Sickness Insurance Fund (Cavimac), a social security body of the Republic, is responsible for ensuring the social protection of ministers of religion. Its board of directors is composed, for the most part, of hierarchs of the Catholic Church.

Currently, out of twenty-seven members, seventeen represent the Catholic religion (58%), six the other Christian religions, one Buddhism, one Islam; and only two the insured, and in particular the former ministers of religion. Isn’t that a “ supremacy of religious law ” and an attack on secularism?

This board of directors generally endorses the doctrinal positions of the Catholic cult, permanently for forty-three years. It defines, by availing itself – wrongly – of the law of 1905, the conditions of subjection to Social Security, whereas these derive exclusively from civil law.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also The “separatism” bill “inspires a certain sadness and a feeling of discomfort” according to the philosopher Ayyam Sureau

Persons belonging to the Catholic faith have not been affiliated for periods ranging from one to twenty-five years, on the pretext that they had not yet made religious vows or commitments, or that their community has not yet taken religious vows or commitments. was not recognized by canon law. By thus submitting a civil right to a religious rule, the diocesan associations, the congregations and the Cavimac support the supremacy of religious law over civil law. This is precisely what the current bill intends to combat.

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