The men who made Eva Longoria’s heart beat faster

son, father, “brother” heart: who are the essential men in the life of Eva Longoria? How did they influence his life? We answer you.

Eva Longoria is surrounded by men who have built her personality and helped forge who she is today. Who are they ? What was their impact on the life of this young woman with multiple hats? Because in addition to being an actress known worldwide for having played in particular in Desperate Housewivesthe young woman can also boast of being a director, screenwriter, producer or model.

Fans remember the star in a bikini this summer, alongside her son and husband. Her “committed” character and her talent make her a celebrity in great demand. The beauty had stood up against Donald Trump who called Mexicans “rapists” and of “criminals“.

The one who earned a degree in kinesiology (the study of the dynamics of human movement as well as its components) explained the fact that her father was a “american veteran“, but remains very discreet about her family. We guess her modest origins when she talks about the “cheap dress” that she wore during her first climb of the steps in Cannes.

Eva Longoria: the one whose eyes she has been shining for 47 years

If there is a man that no one equals in the heart of Eva Longoria, it is her father, Enrique Longoria Junior. In this photo, he is present alongside his wife Ella Eva Mireles, the mother of the actress, when obtaining her Master’s degree. The degree was awarded at State University Northridge in Chicago on May 22, 2013.

Focus on the men in her life beyond who, like her dad, supported and pushed her.

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