The moon cycle: How to use the phases of the moon in your life

From new moon to full moon
How the phases of the moon can affect your life

The moon has a bigger impact on all of us than we think.


Although we rarely see it most of the day, the moon’s different phases can have a major impact on us.

In a period of 29.5 days, the moon always goes through the same cycle. The different phases of the moon have a major influence on nature: from migratory birds or fish, which react to the change of phase, to the tides of the sea, nature is guided by the moon. It goes without saying that we humans also feel the effects.

The moon and its cycle: How big is its influence on us?

Many people can attribute restless nights and little sleep to the fact that the full moon is in the sky. But the other three phases of the moon can also have a major impact on our lives – be it in terms of your creativity, sleep disorders or mental health. In the video we explain how you can best use the different phases of the moon for you.

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