the most affected signs

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The New Moon in Sagittarius takes place this Wednesday, November 23, 2022. Certain signs will benefit from its energies. We tell you which ones.

The New Moon is when the moon is least visible, which is why the nights are darker. This event marks the beginning of a new cycle, a new step, an opportunity to start all over again, to start again on a good basis. Each New Moon impacts the astrological signs differently depending on its position within the zodiac. The New Moon is a key time in the month. Indeed, it is also the perfect time to perform rituals! How ? By manifesting your intentions at the New Moon through meditation, handwritten letters or even by recharging your lithotherapy crystals.

The next New Moon is Wednesday November 23, 2022 in Sagittarius. This sign begins its anniversary season on November 22! This New Moon is so a moment of joy, of optimism : it’s time to get started, to do new things and to step out of your comfort zone. This New Moon rhymes with opportunities. It is a sign of fire, very adventurous, joyful and generous. These energies are very compatible with some signs but not with others.

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These astro signs impacted by the New Moon in Sagittarius

This New Moon in Sagittarius heralds great adventures for fire signs, in tune with Sagittarius. Thus, Leo and Aries will really feel good: a new breath takes them to new adventures that they really needed. Things are moving, changing, and for them, that’s great news. For the air signs too, this New Moon announces beautiful projects. For Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, this New Moon is one of feeling. They listen to their emotions and this leads them to try, to try, to trust themselves.

For water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), this New Moon in Sagittarius is not easy. Those who are sensitive, emotional… They will feel challenged by this event. They will be put in the bath of action whereas they are rather in contemplation. It won’t be easy, but it could benefit them in the long run. Ditto for the Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn). The latter will be turned upside down and their routine too. This is an opportunity to develop new routines and get out of your comfort zone.

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