The most beautiful siblings sayings

Siblings: Lifelong love

They love each other, they argue, they reconcile, they support each other in every conceivable situation, they tease and hug each other … The relationship between siblings is simply a very special one, which in no way matches that of friends or partners is comparable!

Sibling love is simply unfathomable. It is deep and lifelong, no matter how different the siblings are! You have the same roots that connect you forever and share the same past and family that shape us in the long term. With this kind of connection, we know our sister or brother better than anyone else. And that doesn't rule out the fact that you are sometimes annoyed or argue – but still there is always for each other!

Sibling sayings: Just say thank you!

We say far too little "thank you" to people who are close to us! Thank you for your love and patience, for your support, for your open ear, for simply being there – this also applies to our siblings. A good relationship with your brother or sister is not a given, so don't wait until your next family party or birthday to tell your siblings how much they mean to you. Write them a nice card in between, call them, make a sibling day together or give away a voucher with a trip together … And if you don't have the right saying, we have the right words for you here.

The most beautiful sayings for siblings

  • Family is the home of the heart.
  • Change friendships. Partnerships too. Siblings stay forever.
  • Who needs superheroes when you have siblings.
  • Siblings are never alone. They always have each other in their hearts.
  • Siblings are different flowers from the same garden.
  • A brother, a sister, nothing more faithful knows the world. No gold chain holds more firmly than one holds on the other.
  • Siblings mean best friends for a lifetime.
  • A loyal sister is worth a thousand friends.
  • Life made us sisters. Our hearts made us friends.
  • Siblings: The only people you are constantly upset about, but who you still love infinitely.
  • Older siblings: The only people who annoy you simply because they enjoy it and still protect you from anyone trying to do the same.
  • Family is like a tree. The branches may grow in different directions, but the roots hold everything together.
  • A brother and a sister, the world knows nothing better. No band in life holds tighter when one sticks to the other.
  • On nice days I can recharge your batteries, even if we sometimes quarrel as sisters!
  • Because I have a brother, I have a good friend forever.
  • No matter how different siblings can be. When it matters, they stick together like bad luck and sulfur.
  • My sister has the best sister!
  • Everyone has a place in my heart – but my brother doubles and triples.
  • Sibling love is the most beautiful connection there is.
  • My sister is a part of my childhood that I will keep forever.
  • A sister understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you as you are.
  • Sisters are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.
  • A brother is a friend that nature has given you.
  • I laugh louder because of my siblings, I cry less and smile more.
  • Siblings are there for each other, give and take, laugh, comfort and cry. Side by side. Forever.

Are you looking for other sayings for occasions or special people? Here we have the most beautiful sayings for the 18th birthday, the best sayings for baptism and the very best Pippi longstocking sayings that are suitable for everyone and anyway!