The motive for the Copenhagen killing spree is still unclear

The killing spree in a Copenhagen shopping center on Sunday evening should not have a terrorist background. The alleged lone perpetrator, a 22-year-old Dane, was remanded in custody in a closed psychiatric ward on Monday.

The Copenhagen police chief Sören Thomassen said on Monday that a political background was not suspected.

Ole Jensen/Getty Images

Twice in the last few days the image of the Nordic countries as a haven of harmonious, secure societies has been badly shaken – ten days ago in Oslo, when a man shot indiscriminately into a crowd of revelers on the eve of the Pride parade, and now on Sunday, when In Copenhagen, a 22-year-old Dane shot dead three people and injured seven others, some critically, during a rampage in a shopping center. Unlike the incident in Norway, where investigators assume a terrorist background, the Copenhagen police currently have no indication that this would also be the case in Denmark.

Rather, the alleged perpetrator is a young man who had psychological problems and who was also known to the health service in this regard. According to the Danish television channel DR, shortly before his killing spree in the Fields shopping center in the Örestad district, he tried unsuccessfully to call a crisis hotline. The weapons he was carrying – a rifle, pistol and knife – were not illegal as such, but the man did not appear to be authorized to hold them.

The accused remains silent for the time being

On Monday afternoon the suspect was identified presented to a court. At the request of the public prosecutor’s office, the hearing took place behind closed doors in order not to jeopardize the investigation and to prevent the testimony of witnesses from being influenced. The media therefore only had access to information provided to them by the court during the hearing.

The court ordered a 24-day pre-trial detention in a closed psychiatric ward. The reasoning stated that there was a risk that the accused, should he remain at large during the investigation, could commit further criminal acts of a similar nature. He could also try to hinder the investigation.

The responsible public prosecutor Sören Harbo said this to the media during a break in negotiations. The experienced lawyer was shocked at the “enormity of the event”. According to Harbo, a psychiatric evaluation of the accused should also take place as soon as possible.

He is charged with three counts of first degree homicide and seven counts of attempted homicide. Those killed are a middle-aged man of Russian nationality living in Denmark and two Danish teenagers. Four people, two Danish and two Swedish nationals, were seriously injured. Three other people were medically examined in connection with grazing shots. Twenty people also suffered minor injuries while attempting to escape from the mall.

The defendant’s defense attorney said his client declined to speak publicly. It was therefore unclear whether he accepted or rejected the allegations.

The investigators expect a lot of detailed work

There was still no information on a possible motive. Copenhagen police chief Soren Thomassen had said on Monday morning, one does not suspect a political background. There is also no evidence that the perpetrator acted out of racist or misogynistic intent. However, there are indications that the crime had been prepared.

Even a short media conference by the police on Monday afternoon was unable to bring any new information in this regard. Police Officer Dannie Rise said numerous leads, including footage, had been received from the community, as well as CCTV footage from the mall. An overall picture can be put together from this, but that will take a lot of time.

Rise strongly warned the population against posting videos online on social media. That could be punishable.

According to Rise, it took thirteen minutes from the first alarm to the arrest of the suspect. Of course, that was an eternity for those who were in the mall. He doesn’t want to pass judgment either, but he thinks that the intervention took place quickly and prevented even worse things from happening. According to current knowledge, there is no direct connection between the perpetrator and the victims.

“Please seek professional help”

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen visited the Fields shopping center on Monday afternoon together with Justice Minister Mattias Tesfaye. Both urged those who were there or nearby during the incident to seek professional help. You can hardly get through a crisis like this alone, said Tesfaye. Frederiksen expressly thanked the shop employees and security personnel for their personal commitment on Sunday evening.

As far as public life in Copenhagen is concerned, there is no sign of any ongoing danger, Tesfaye said. Police marked a heavy presence Monday to instill a sense of security for the general public.

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