The mountain doctor: Annika Ernst is single again after five years

All series news in Brigitte ticker: "Der Bergdoktor": Annika Ernst is single again +++ "Rote Rosen" star Laura Preiss was falsely declared dead +++ "Der Bergdoktor": Is Hans Sigl leaving the series?

Series news 2021 in the Brigitte ticker

January 21, 2021

"Der Bergdoktor": Annika Ernst is single again after five years of relationship

Annika Ernst, 38, is the new member of "Der Bergdoktor". On Thursday (January 21), the actress will perform for the first time in her role as surgeon Dr. Johanna Rüdiger can be seen. Unfortunately, the 38-year-old has less good news to announce in her private life: She and her partner have separated.

The series actress and producer Oliver Dressnandt, 43, was a couple for five years – the Liebesaus followed in June 2020. "It wasn't because of the pandemic, but in some respects we had different ideas about life. It was the best solution. I was on the road a lot in the summer in the VW bus, in the fall I moved with my daughter Luna. It was a turbulent year ", she explained in the" Bunte "interview.

And how do you feel about being alone after such a long time? "It works," she admitted during the conversation. She has good friends, a great daughter and she has been on the road a lot, she explained, but the rest has also been good for her and she is reorienting herself. "I first have to find out how I am when I'm single. So dating is not yet in," she also said.

"Red roses": Actress Laura Preiss wrongly declared dead

This report on the Internet was a shock for "Rote Rosen" actress Laura Preiss, 34: On the Internet, she came across a report that she falsely declared dead. The perfidious thing about it: She is not the only star of the telenovela about whom a false death report is rampant.

"Laura Preiss died in a serious traffic accident at the age of 34," a video on YouTube claims. "It's a disgusting, confusing feeling to read about one's own death," said Laura's first reaction to "Bild". Despite the shock, the series actress did not take this hoax seriously at first and could laugh about it. But her opinion quickly changed: "When I read the condolences to my family in the comments, my stomach turned and I realized how terrible this lie is and how terrible my habit is to call it the 'Internet – to assume normality. "

According to the newspaper, other "Rote Rosen" stars such as Arne Rudolf, 31, Kim-Sarah Brandts, 37, and Sarah Maria Besgen, 41, were falsely declared dead in videos. There is a tasteless business model behind these reports: the fraudsters run commercials in front of the videos and earn money with them. Laura would like to take action against this: "I am already getting legal advice, will file a criminal complaint and work to ensure that this video is deleted and, in the best case, the 'creative' head behind it is appropriately punished."

January 20, 2021

"Der Bergdoktor": Is Hans Sigl leaving the series?

From January 14th "Der Bergdoktor" will finally be back on ZDF. The series is already in its 14th season. The stories have been running with great success for years. This is primarily thanks to him: main actor Hans Sigl, 51. He has played the title role since 2008. Martin Gruber. That's a long time. Is the 51-year-old already planning to leave the series in order to devote himself to new projects?

The fans speculate on the internet whether Hans Sigl will slip into his doctor's coat again in the next season. Now he gives the all-clear. The actor answered questions from the "Bergdoktor" fan club and shared the wonderful news with them. "Of course I'm still shooting for 'Der Bergdoktor': In March a new winter special, from June the 15th season with 7 episodes." What luck!

January 19, 2021

How sweet! Ex- "The Teacher" actress Jessica Ginkel posts an old picture of her brother

What an unexpected glimpse into her childhood! Actress Jessica Ginkel, 40, has been with her former GZSZ colleague Daniel Fehlow, 45, since 2012. The couple have two children together. The former "The Teacher" actress keeps her life far away from the cameras – she only occasionally posts private snapshots. And this time, your followers can look forward to a particularly cute picture: Jessica shared a picture from childhood days on Instagram.

On the throwback pic you can see two blonde children – on the right, Jessica as a toddler looks puzzled into the camera, while her older brother on the left shows his skills as an artist with a brush. In addition, she wrote loving lines to her brother: "Nobody knows me as well as he does. He is always there when I need him. What a great gift to have someone like that by his side. Big brother".

But the actress also found a few words about her own offspring. "When I watch my children like this, I think it's wonderful to see how they grow up together, how they play with each other, think up pranks, share their sweets, take care of each other, love each other," said Jessica on the photo and video platform.

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