The Mountains of Madness: Guillermo del Toro reveals an excerpt from his cursed film… and it’s terrifying!

It’s been more than 15 years that the adaptation of Guillermo del Toro’s “Mountains of Madness” exists only in limbo. But the director has not said his last word and is reviving interest in his project with a certain little excerpt…


It’s a good year to be a Guillermo del Toro fan! Not only did 2022 start with its excellent adaptation of Nightmare Alley (and its black and white version), before continuing with its Cabinet of Curiosities available on Netflix since October 25th. In addition, his long-awaited Pinocchio, shot in stop-motion, will be released on December 9: there is so much to enjoy for fans of the Mexican director!

However, among Guillermo del Toro’s projects there are some that over the years have not materialized but that the public still hopes they will one day be able to discover. Indeed, some still hope to see his Hellboy 3 never made or his adaptation of Haunted Mansionbut also and above all that of the science fiction novel The Mountains of Madness by American writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft.

As you know, it’s been more than 15 years since the project was announced with Tom Cruise as the headliner. While pre-production had even been launched, everything finally stopped in 2011. Since then, nothing or a few mentions of the project here and there, but nothing concrete… until today!

As Empire reports, Guillermo del Toro has indeed published an excerpt from his film, some test images made in the past and broadcast for the first time…

Shared on Instagram, he describes the video as an “all-CGI test for a platform”, created by the ILM team 10 years ago. And the least we can say is that the director remains true to himself: tension at its height and nightmarish sprawling monster are on the program! Take a look for yourself:

In just 25 seconds of entirely CGI conceptual sequences, Guillermo del Toro gives the thrill and revives the craze for this adaptation. Would he have other excerpts in his pocket? Will the project rise from its ashes? So many questions that only time will answer.

The Cabinet of Curiosities: How the Netflix Series Could Revive Guillermo del Toro’s Unrealized Project

While waiting to be able (or not) to discover this project one day, we suggest you fill up on Guillermo del Toro. We therefore remind you of the program: Pinocchio from December 9 on Netflix.

And still on Netflix, Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities awaits you immediately for a terrifying journey of which here is the trailer:

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