the moving testimony of his mother

Alexia Daval was murdered in 2017. Since then, her parents have lived with the memory of their daughter, trying to move forward day after day. Isabelle Fouillot, his mother, confides with emotion on this subject in the columns of Le Parisien this Saturday, November 25.

This affair moved all of France six years ago. In 2017, there was concern about the disappearance of Alexia Daval, a 29-year-old young woman. It took several weeks to shed light on this matter. Indeed, after an interrogation, the young woman’s husband, Jonathann Daval, had confessed to being the perpetrator of the murder. Terrible confessions for Alexia’s parents, who had supported the man throughout the investigation. Since then, their lives have not been the same. On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Isabelle Fouillot, Alexia’s mother, spoke in the columns of Parisian this Saturday, November 25.

She notably returned to her participation in the documentary Alexia, autopsy of a feminicidebut also on the memory of her daughter, who never leaves her side: “ I no longer have goals, my life no longer has any meaning, any taste, apart from my family and the fight against femicide », she explains, with emotion, on a daily basis. She also declares that, day after day, she tries to move forward, knowing that she will never be able to mourn the loss of her daughter: “ Our lives are no longer the same. They were massacred. […] Life had meaning with my two daughters. I’m missing one, Alexia. »

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A poignant documentary

Thomas Chagnaud, journalist and producer, made a documentary in which Alexia’s family participated: Alexia, autopsy of a feminicide. A moving collaboration, to which the man returned on Friday November 24 at the microphone of Franceinfo. Broadcast on Canal+, this documentary aims to show the consequences of such a tragedy on those who remain, and who suffer every day: “ There are parents and there is a whole family, which is destroyed. I wanted to place the viewer on the sofa, next to this family. »
If you are a victim of violence of any kind, you can call 3919, an anonymous and free number.

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