The National Assembly votes for the continuation of the recovery plan

The National Assembly voted, Tuesday, November 2, to continue the billions of the recovery plan in 2022, despite criticism of the oppositions on “Sprinkling” and a lack of clarity, pending the France 2030 investment plan.

The credits for next year are part of the post-Covid recovery plan of 100 billion euros announced from 2020 to 2022, around three “Pillars” : “Ecology”, “Competitiveness” and “Territorial cohesion”.

Some 55 billion have already been committed, welcomed the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire, welcoming the “Speed” of this plan and its “Flexibility”. “Funds have worked well” like MaPrimRenov ‘, an energy renovation aid for individuals, and “We had to give credits”, underlined the general rapporteur Laurent Saint-Martin (LREM), who qualify them as “Growth boosters”.

“The leverage effect on the economy does not seem to me to be up to the State’s effort”, qualified the Chairman of the Finance Committee Eric Woerth (LR).

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers The difficult assessment of the fall 2020 recovery plan

“Lack of readability”

In detail, 12.9 billion euros are entered in payment appropriations in 2022 in the mission ” Recovery plan “ voted. The government also accounts under its plan other budget lines, such as the reduction in taxes on production of companies.

In unison, right and left have pointed “A flagrant lack of readability”, of “Sprinkling” and one “Entanglement of plans”, with the start in 2022 of “France 2030”, the investment plan announced by Emmanuel Macron. “It sounds like a positive step forward but also a disavowal of your first recovery plan”, cracked the leader of the socialist deputies Valérie Rabault. Communists and rebels demanded an end to the “Blank checks” to companies without compensation.

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Charles de Courson (Liberties and Territories) took up the reservations of the recovery plan evaluation committee, chaired by Benoît Coeuré, who recently underlined its effectiveness but sometimes to the detriment of the quality of certain projects. “The policy of numbers has guided you, we must rectify in 2022”, pleaded the deputy.

Rejecting everything “Sprinkling” and praising the ” simplicity “ of the plan, the minister also sought to reassure about the deficit generated. With expected growth of 6.25% ” at least “ in 2021, “The State could garner additional tax revenues” but if it was, “They would go to reducing the deficit and the debt”, he hammered.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Why the recovery plan in France will not really be 100 billion euros in 2021 and 2022

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