The National Enquirer’s front page on beach bodies is grossophobic

A little tour on social networks made us discover the front page of the American people weekly National Enquirer which established a ranking of the most beautiful and worst bodies of celebrities seen at the beach. Shocked by so much hatred and mediocrity, we decided to speak out on this shameful classification.

It’s a fact, magazines people do not hesitate to scrutinize the slightest gesture of the stars in search of a scoop, especially when they are on vacation and enjoy their free time as far as possible from the camera lenses. But of course, paparazzi cameras are never far away to be able to capture images of celebrities in swimsuits, and report back to their fans about their vacation activities. If this intrusion into their intimacy sometimes “only” satisfies the curiosity of their admirers, it also happens all too often that the photos of stars in swimsuits serve as the worst ambitions, as unfortunately perfectly illustrated on the tabloid front page. National Enquirer which was shared on Instagram as it is so shocking and degrading to the personalities it targets.

As you can see in the pictures above, the cover of the magazine people American published last week is already on the web. In question, his flagship article of the summer season: “50 best and worst beach bodies ” with subtitle “The good, the bad & the ugly”, understand “The 50 best and worst beach bodies”With an even more damning subtitle of a dubious play on words since it can be translated literally as“The good, the bad and the ugly” but ultimately reads more like “The beautiful, the bad and the ugly”.
On this Scandalous at a time when we are finally trying to raise awareness about the importance of loving ourselves as we are, we can see a photo highlighting the toned and slender body of Jennifer Lopez , next to unflattering photos of Kate Hudson and Gérard Depardieu whose positions emphasize the more or less rounded belly. This cover is therefore immediately announced as grossophobic and openly makes his choux gras from the body shaming. A simply shameful practice, which is also at its peak at the heart of the magazine.

Size S = best beach body, size XL = worst beach body: a grossophobic equation

And the case is far from getting better when we flip through the pages of the magazine as we can see in the Instagram publication which reveals several pages of this special summer file. the National Enquirer accumulates photographs of celebrities which reveal the slightest fold of skin which is less flattering for them or still photographs which immortalize them in positions which put the least value on their silhouette in order to better be able to attribute supposed flaws to them. Kris Jenner (mom of Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner) sees her arms judged “flanges”Not to mention her body presented as fat even though she was 65, model Janice Dickinson is laughed at for her skin “Crumpled like that of a chicken” although she is thin, Jennifer Aniston would “Ate too many burritos” while American plus-size model Tess Holliday is awarded the worst beach body of the ranking, and a comment just as grossophobic as the place it occupies in the ranking: “She blows! Tess Holliday, 36, doesn’t hesitate to have a good time at the beach. But Dr Stuart Fischer believes the model weighs over 100 kilograms. ”. A revolting linchage.

Tess Holliday rises against the culture of grossophobia and we support it

Questioned by influencer Alex Light who shared the cover of the magazine on Instagram, the main interested party did not fail to react on the platform. Sharing the front page of the magazine in turn, she comments: “LOL I WAS NAMED THE WORST BEACH BODY THIS YEAR AND IT MAKES ME CRAZY BECAUSE IT’S 2021 AND WE STILL PUBLISH TEA TOWELS LIKE THAT? !!! BANAL LOL BUT IT ALSO MAKES ME LAUGH BECAUSE I’M SEXY LOLLLLL ? ”before pointing out that the clichés the magazine used are outdated:“They used a photo from last year. For those who would like to see what his beach body current, she adds: “Iincluded more recent photos of me last month (keep swiping). ”

In the caption of this post where the young woman shows herself in a red bikini, she denounces this kind of practices which are still too often used in magazines. people : “The media always pretend to be shocked when ‘celebrities’ are mentally ill, but they continue to perpetuate unrealistic bodily standards and push a toxic diet culture on all of us. Thank you @alexlight_ldn for bringing this to my attention, and if you see this and you’re fat or just have a body that isn’t chiseled and traditionally “hot”, and you want to hit the beach my friends or put on a swimsuit: DO IT.
You only have one life, and you gotta make the most of it, baby! !! ”

The stars finally defend themselves against the gratuitous attacks of the tabloids

In recent years, celebrities have started to revolt against certain attacks that target their physique and they are quite right. Selena Gomez, for example, was targeted in 2018 after photos of her in a swimsuit revealed her not quite flat stomach and her thighs showing some cellulite. It didn’t take more for an avalanche of criticism to sweep over the young woman. The singer then defended herself against this body shaming inadmissible with a positive message in which she explained taking care of oneself (especially after a transplant) but which nonetheless emphasized the problem represented by inaccessible beauty standards promoted by society and the media. Today, it is Tess Holliday who takes the floor not without humor on social networks to send derogatory remarks about her figure. We of course encourage all those targeted to do the same, but above all we hope that celebrities (and all of us) will soon no longer need to defend (us) against such attacks, and in the meantime. , support the stars victims of body shaming and support each other because we are all equal in front of the body shaming !

Victim of body shaming, Selena Gomez defends herself:

Video by Laetitia Azi

Elodie Le Gall

Passionate about writing and beauty, Elodie swaps her lipstick for her laptop to find the best in makeup, hairstyle and skincare trends, and professional tips …