Alexandre Chauveau / Photo credit: STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN / AFP
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7:09 a.m., October 2, 2024
After Michel Barnier, Marine Le Pen spoke before the National Assembly on Tuesday, saying she would not immediately censor the government of the new Prime Minister. A reprieve, but not on any conditions…
Marine Le Pen plays the responsibility card. Although partly opposed to the policies of Michel Barnier, the National Rally has chosen to procrastinate. “The RN has made a responsible choice: to refuse to censor the government a priori to give it a chance, however small, to initiate the necessary reforms,” argues Marine Le Pen, adding: “It is only We will judge you based on your actions, and unlike others, never on the basis of childish postures.”
Three red lines
However, there is no question of offering a blank check to the government, the National Rally sets three red lines: no increase in taxes on the middle and working classes, the introduction of proportional voting in legislative elections and insurance of a change in migration policy.
“Once again, tragic news has highlighted the issue of OQTFs and consular passes. I suggest you put in place a simple rule: in the absence of a pass, zero visas,” continues the chef. line of RN deputies. The latter thus leaves itself the possibility of censoring in a few months a government which it describes as circumstances. Time for her camp, as she asserts, to continue preparing for the alternation.
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