The number of unemployed in Switzerland contracted again in July

Zurich (awp) – The number of unemployed in Switzerland, which had marked a 20-year low in June, fell further in July. At the end of July, there were 91,474 people registered as unemployed across the country, or 1,037 less than a year earlier.

The unemployment rate remained unchanged at 2.0%, the State Secretariat for the Economy (Seco) wrote in a statement on Monday. This figure corresponds to the forecasts of economists interviewed by the AWP agency downstream of the publication.

Over one year, the number of unemployed fell by 36,805 people or 28.7%.

In the 50-63 age group, the number of people registered as unemployed fell by 969 people or 3.3% to 280,309 people. Over one year, there were 10,833 fewer unemployed people in this category.

Between June and July, youth unemployment increased slightly, by 331 people or 4.3% to a total of 8,089, but over one year the decrease is by a third, says Seco.

The number of vacant places fell by 3,738 in July to 68,004, of which 54,732 were subject to the notification requirement.

The Seco also provides partial unemployment statistics for the month of May. The use of reduced working hours fell by 19.1%, affecting only 5,552 people. The number of companies having used this mechanism followed the same trend, falling by 217 units or 18.4% to 960, to stand at 305,003 hours.

A total of 2,481 people exhausted their rights to unemployment insurance benefits in May 2022, says Seco.


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