the Nupes deputies submit a request for a referendum

On the initiative of the Communists, a hundred deputies from the Nupes have filed a request for a referendum on the pension reform project, a request to be debated by the Assembly on February 6, the left alliance said on Tuesday.

This referendum motion aims to suspend the examination of the government pension reform project to start that day in the hemicycle, in order to submit the text to a referendum and thus give the floor to the people on this crucial choice for their future, according to a communicated

Strongly opposed to the postponement of the legal retirement age to 64, like the whole of the left alliance, the president of the PCF Fabien Roussel assured Tuesday on CNews that the government has chosen to block and ‘confrontation.

We have to come out on top of this crisis. This is why we propose to give the floor back to the people and to do so by means of a referendum, he underlined.

According to him, 98 left-wing deputies filed the referendum motion. From February 6, the day of the opening of the debates in the National Assembly, we will ask all the deputies to give the floor to the people and to break this impasse, he added.

The four leaders of the Nupes in the Assembly signed the motion, Andr Chassaigne (PCF), Mathilde Panot (LFI), Boris Vallaud (PS) and Cyrielle Chatelain (EELV). It must still be deemed admissible in order to be debated.

The government’s plan arouses the opposition of an overwhelming majority of French people and an unprecedented social mobilization, they justified in the explanatory memorandum, where they believe that a referendum is a real democratic obligation.

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If they manage to get the motion voted on on February 6 by the Assembly, which is far from won, the motion would be immediately transmitted to the Senate, which should decide within 30 days.

But even adopted by the two chambers, it is only a referendum proposal made to the President, who is free or not to follow up.

The patron saint of deputies RN Marine Le Pen said Monday that she would also table such a referendum motion in the Assembly on pension reform.

The president of the far-right party Jordan Bardella had pleaded shortly before for such a referendum, to come out on top of the debate, and assured that his party would present an alternative project.

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