the opening date of the counter revealed

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Friday, December 23, the opening date of the counter to obtain the help of the wooden check was unveiled by the Ministry of the Economy.

Dead leaves and fall colors gradually give way to greyness. Since December 21 – the day of the winter solstice – we have officially entered the winter season. For the French who have decided to Heating with wood, help will be provided. As stated BFM-TV Friday, December 23, 2.6 million households are eligible for the wood check. This aid could range from 50 to 200 euros, for a total budget of 230 million euros. The objective: to satisfy the 70% of households concerned from December 27, date of opening of the counter. Initially, the date of December 22 had been announced.

This announcement was detailed by the Ministry of the Economy in a statement made public on December 23. That is to say at the same time as the associated decree, in the Official Journal (JO). In detail, it is stipulated that a couple with a dependent child, who earned less than 4,000 euros per month in 2020 and who heat themselves mainly with wood, will be able to receive the sum of 100 euros. Good to know: this help will be available until April 30 next. Also, checks will be sent from mid-February.

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Wood check: a variable amount

If you are concerned by this situation, know that the platform will be open around 8 a.m. December 27. You can access it by clicking here. In the press release transmitted by Bercy and quoted by BFM-TVwe learn that “the 2022 wood voucher is used exactly like the energy voucher”. In other words, it means that this one “can be used with a wood seller”but also “from other suppliers for all energy bills”.

Finally, it is good to know that the amount of this check will be determined according to the type of fuel used. Households that use wood pellets will thus be entitled to double the aid provided for those who favor chips, shreds or logs. Aid that should allow relieve walletsin this winter period.

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