The outgoing government planned a reduction of more than 16% in sports, youth and community life funding

This is only the framework of the draft finance bill for 2025 that the resigning government had established. Nevertheless, the draft ceiling letters signed on August 20, and published on September 19 by the Ministry of the Budget, give an indication of what could be the evolution of the credits that the State would devote to sport after a year marked by the organization of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (OPG) and placed under the sign of sport, a great national cause.

In the outgoing government’s plans, the sports, youth and community life mission was to see its credits reduced from 1.8 billion euros in 2024 to 1.5 billion euros in 2025, a decrease of 16.6%. This reduction takes into account in particular the “disappearance” of credits directly devoted to the Olympic Games (i.e. 0.1 billion euros in 2024).

The public finance programming law for the period 2023-2027, adopted at the end of 2023, had already enacted a reduction in the appropriations for the sports, youth and community life mission. The reduction was less, with the total amount of appropriations falling from 1.8 billion euros to 1.6 billion euros.

As mentioned in the document of the Ministry of the Budget, these credit ceilings “constitute a technical basis for preparing the budget resulting from the ceilings decided by the resigning government in mid-August but do not prejudge the modifications and adjustments that may be proposed” by the new government of Michel Barnier.

The World

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