The Paris Bourse expected to rise slightly, close to its records

The Paris Bourse is expected to rise slightly at the opening Tuesday, approaching a few points of its historical record in session.

The futures contract of the flagship CAC 40 index was up 0.17% forty minutes before the opening of the session. On Monday, it had increased by 0.76% 7,140.39 points.

The Parisian odds have been at their highest for a month and a half, with absolute records reached in mid-November at the close (7,156.85 points) and in session (7,183.08 points), even if the increases were obtained at the end of sessions with low volumes, the fault of the absence of many market operators.

On Monday, Wall Street’s widened index, the S&P 500, broke yet another record, with the three American indices rising sharply.

Faced with the explosion in the number of Covid-19 contaminations in the world due to the Omicron variant, investors are sticking to the line repeated on Monday by US President Joe Biden, for whom the variant should not be a source of panic.

The markets think this may be the last big wave and are surely reassured by the prospects for herd immunity, the treatments, the vaccination and also the fact that even if the cases progress, the mortality, in particular that related to Omicron , remains relatively contained, summarizes Florence Barjou, investment manager of Lyxor AM.

In France, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced Monday evening his measures to try to lower the curtain on an endless film, once again establishing gauges, working, banning standing concerts and standing consumption. in cafes and bars.

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However, it did not go until the curfew on December 31 or a postponement of the start of the school year, and the economic impact of the measures will be limited for the majority of sectors.

The isolation rules for patients and contact cases will also be adjusted by the end of the week, to limit the immobilization of hundreds of thousands of French people, which can currently go up to 17 days.

No leading indicator is expected on Tuesday.

source site-96