The Paris Bourse is picking up (+ 1.86%) thanks to a sign of relaxation on Ukraine

The Paris Stock Exchange recovered on Tuesday (+ 1.86%) thanks to the easing of tensions between Russia and Ukraine which focused the attention of investors and relegated to the background a measure of mid-fig inflation , half-grape in the United States.

The index CAC 40 won 127.77 points6979.97 points, and regained some of the ground lost on Monday (-2.27%) and Friday (-1.27%).

The markets go up at the same time as the probability of conflict goes away in Ukraine, observed Valentin Bulle, asset manager at Dm Finance.

But this rebound is technical and investors are still faced with the fundamental problem which is that of inflation and the rise in rates, tempers the specialist interviewed by AFP.

Paris, Berlin and NATO on Tuesday noted a first positive sign after the announcement of a partial withdrawal of Russian forces deployed around Ukraine, which have raised fears for weeks of an invasion and a major war.

In recent weeks, tensions between Russians and Westerners have increased the volatility of equity markets and uncertainty around the supply of natural gas. They have aggravated fears about inflation and interest rates.

On the sovereign debt market, yields continued to rise Tuesday in view of an increase in the key rates of the US Federal Reserve in March.

Wholesale prices in the United States, a measure of inflation that takes into account prices from the perspective of manufacturers and sellers, rose 1% in January from December, registering their largest increase since May 2021. However, the rise in prices over one year (+9.7%) slowed down, a first since April 2020.

Goes up from luxury and automobile

The luxury sector, which represents about a quarter of the Parisian coast, has caught up with the delay taken the day before, like Herms (+ 5.44% 1,251 euros, the largest increase in the index), LVMH (+ 3 .58% 694 euros) and Kering (+2.48% 631.50 euros).

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The automotive segment also picked up steam with Renault (+5.45% to 36.26 euros) and Stellantis (+4.15% to 17.02 euros).

Engie finds the benefits

Engie, which generated comfortable profits in 2021, taking advantage in particular of high energy prices, was optimistic for the years to come, counting on a steady increase in its results. After having opened higher, the title finally sold 0.48% to 14.23 euros.

Capgemini celebrates a record year

The IT group Capgemini had a record year in 2021, but forecasts a slight slowdown in the growth of its turnover, now anticipated in a range of 8 to 10% (constant exchange rates). The title lost 3.29% 186.75 euros.

Eiffage obtains a contract

A consortium made up of Eiffage (+1.58, 97.52 euros), construction specialist, and Arcade-VYV, housing specialist, announced on Monday the signing of a contract worth more than seven billion euros. euros tal over 35 years to manage the French housing stock of the Minister of Armies.

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