The Paris Bourse up a small increase of 0.69% for Ascension

The Paris Bourse rose by 0.69% on Thursday, a public holiday in France, mixed between an American Federal Reserve (Fed) without surprise and pessimistic comments on the Chinese economy.

The flagship CAC 40 index rose 43.43 points to 6,342.07 points, in low trading volumes due to the absence of certain investors for the Ascension Bridge.

The Parisian coast barely hang on a trend since the beginning of the week: Wednesday it gained 0.73%, after a session of decline and another increase.

The minutes of the last monetary meeting of the Fed, on May 4, during which the Federal Reserve raised its key rates by half a percentage point, were published on Wednesday evening.

In these minutes, the members of the Monetary Committee said they were determined to bring inflation down sharply, and most of them felt that several further rate hikes of half a point would probably be necessary.

A signal appreciated by the market, none of the Fed officials, on the other hand, mentioned the need for a stronger monetary tightening of 75 basis points.

CMC Markets analyst Michael Hewson also notes talks on the possibility of raising rates beyond the neutral point in order to limit above-target inflation. But, even on this point, the report was not particularly instructive given that all the members of the monetary committee do not have the same idea of ​​what the neutral rate is.

In addition, the latest statements by the Chinese Prime Minister on Thursday tempered the momentum initiated by the closing up on Wall Street.

Li Keqiang drew a gloomy assessment of the economy in China, undermined by anti-Covid restrictions, believing that it was a critical moment in the face of even greater difficulties than in 2020.

The zero Covid strategy firmly defended by President Xi Jinping is having a heavy impact on the economy and is causing shock waves around the world, with supply chains being disrupted.

In May, China unveiled its worst economic performance for two years, with consumption at its lowest and unemployment close to an all-time high.

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Vallourec loses almost 10%

The action of the French manufacturer of seamless tubes Vallourec fell 9.90% to 12.57 euros. The Bloomberg agency reported that investment funds sold a large amount of the stock at 12.20 euros, 12.5% ​​below Wednesday’s closing price.

Vivendi majority stake in Lagardre

The French media giant Vivendi, parent company of Canal+, Havas and Editis, holds the majority stake (55.4%) in Lagardre (+0.16% to 24.98 euros) following the first phase of its takeover bid on the group that owns the publisher Hachette and influential media. The Vivendi share sold 0.68% for 10.96 euros.

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