The Paris Stock Exchange plunges sharply below 7,000 points

The Paris Stock Exchange lost nearly 2% at midday on Monday, the day before the start of the meeting of the American Federal Reserve, which must act on a tightening of its monetary policy.

The flagship CAC 40 index lost 125.37 points to 6,944.83 points, shortly before 12:05 p.m., a drop of 1.75%. A little earlier, it had fallen to 6,920.71 points, dropping then more than 2%.

He had already lost more than 2% during the day on Friday during a session that ended down 1.75%.

The Parisian rating falls below 7,000 points for the first time in a month, and has even fallen below the symbolic threshold of its session record for the year 2000 (6,944 points), which had held until October 2021.

Uncertainty reigns after last week’s selloff and ahead of an extremely busy schedule this week, said ActivTrade analyst Pierre Veyret.

The American Federal Reserve is holding its monetary committee meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday, after which its policy will be defined, with the main objective of controlling inflation.

Analysts expect it to announce an upcoming hike in key rates. Market expectations are looking at an increasingly sharp turn as the meeting draws nearer.

The approach of a salvo of corporate results, particularly for technology stocks, the tensions on Ukraine also weigh on the positions taken by investors.

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The growth of activity in the euro zone continued to slow in January in the private sector, at its lowest for eleven months, according to the composite PMI index from the firm Markit published on Monday.

ArcelorMittal (-6.57%), Worldline (-5.30%) and Saint-Gobain (-5.37%) are among the strongest declines, with all sectors being affected by the decline.

Only Orange (+2.05%), Carrefour (+1.05%) and Renault (+1.08%) were floating.

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