the PER, a “bulldozer” of tax exemption for high incomes

For the past year, Antoine and Manon, 26, have (already) each had their PERin – individual retirement savings plan. A little young to think about their old days? In reality, this couple from the North, very busy taking care of their patients – he is a physiotherapist, she is a nurse – and preparing for their wedding, did not need to think about it. “When you are liberal, you are called every week by insurers to open a PER. They tell you that you won’t have a pension, give you a gift card, and you end up cracking up! »says Antoine.

Bankers and insurers communicate a lot about this product created by the Pacte law and launched in October 2019. The PER replaced the old retirement savings products, individual or collective (subscribed within the framework of the company) – Madelin, Préfon, PERP, PERCO, etc. –, which have not been marketed since the end of 2020. “A strong rise in PER-related advertising” been observed, mid-2022by the French Prudential Supervisory and Resolution Authority (ACPR) (their number “more than doubled” in 2021). At the beginning of 2022, the France insurers federation also publicly recalled its interest in the subject in its “proposals for the presidential election”, by asking for the tax advantage linked to the PER to be doubled.

Read also: The forgotten billions of retirement savings better identified

“For a long time, insurers, not wanting to strip life insurance, were not very keen on retirement savings products, but there has been a real change, they are seduced by the idea of ​​capturing the client over the long term and through lower capital requirements than for funds in euros”analyzes Philippe Crevel, founder of the Circle of Savings.

The “first reflex”

The message sent to customers is simple: prepare for your retirement by reducing the tax bill. “We did it mainly to pay less tax”, relates Antoine. The saver can indeed deduct from his income the sums placed on a PER. For a taxpayer whose marginal tax bracket is 41%, paying 30,000 euros reduces income tax by 12,300 euros.

“It is a considerable tax advantage that we have offered [aux épargnants] »explained bluntly to insurers the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, at the end of 2019. We set a cap, but the deduction is (…) very high. » It is indeed possible to deduct, annually up to 10% of its income from activities (net), within the limit of approximately 33,000 euros. In addition, you can take advantage of your spouse’s ceiling, and the unused ceilings for the previous three years.

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