the perception of the Olympic Games “reaches the alert level” among Ile-de-France residents, according to a survey

“The Olympic and Paralympic Games (JOP) are still somewhat lacking, for the moment, in real popular enthusiasm. » This observation was made by the MP (Renaissance) Belkhir Belhaddad on November 8, by presenting the progress of the work of the National Assembly working group responsible for monitoring the preparation of the Games.

The event is certainly still a little distant, with the opening ceremony due to take place in just under nine months. However, the polls, which have been coming one after the other for several months, bear witness to a trend which cannot be denied: if the support of the French for the Games remains in the majority, it is crumbling significantly and continuously over time.

A Odoxa survey, carried out for Winamax and RTL and published on November 12as evidenced by: 65% of French people think that holding the Games is a good thing, when they were still 69% in March and 76% two years ago.

But it is in Ile-de-France, where most of the competitions will be concentrated, that the perception of the summer 2024 meeting “reaches alert level”warns Odoxa: almost one in two Ile-de-France residents (44%) now consider that hosting the JOP is a bad thing, when only 22% expressed this same opinion in September 2021, underlines the institute of survey.

“There is massive distrust in the organization”

For Odoxa, these declines in favorable opinions make “echoes growing questions as the event approaches, in a context of serious concerns on the front of purchasing power but also security: will these Olympics not be too expensive? Will the organizing committee be at the level of the world high mass of sport? Will the opening ceremony be managed without excesses? »

While emphasizing that French support for the JOP “remain high”and public opinion shows itself “classically worried when a big event approaches”, Odoxa nevertheless considers that there is a certain urgency to reassure the French, and particularly the Ile-de-France residents. “on the relevance of the choices made and the trust they can give” to the organizers of the Games.

In the light of its investigation, the polling institute judges that “There is massive distrust in the organization.” It concerns, above all, the ability to implement sufficient measures in terms of transport and security: 81% of Ile-de-France residents and 66% of French people place the former at the top of their fears, and they are respectively 73% and 62% cited the second as a source of concern.

The survey nevertheless reveals that a very large majority of French people (71%) and Ile-de-France residents (64%) are “confident” as for ” the success ” of the opening ceremony, which, planned on the Seine on July 26, 2024, will nevertheless constitute a major challenge in terms of security.

Read also: Paris 2024 opening ceremony: public authorities are leaning towards around 300,000 spectators with free access

It’s certain “the theme of travel that the issues of convincing public opinion are the most important today”, considers Odoxa. The public authorities have in this case planned to put in place, by the end of the year, an information system which, for the Paris region, will provide a “snapshot” of the constraints and will provide the first recommendations for circulate in summer 2024. More detailed maps should be released later, most likely in January 2024.


“Paris 2024”

“Le Monde” deciphers the news and the challenges of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.


The ability of the organizers to complete the work within the planned deadlines is also cited among the main areas of concern: this is the case for 71% of Ile-de-France residents and 55% of French people.

The Odoxa survey was carried out on October 11 and 12 with a sample of 1,005 people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over and a sample of 1,207 inhabitants of the Ile-de region. -France, representative of the Ile-de-France population aged 18 and over. The representativeness of the sample is ensured by the quota method applied to the following variables: sex, age, profession of the interviewee after stratification by departments.

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