The perfect winter boots: 5 boots for warm feet

The perfect winter boots
We love these 5 boots in the cold season

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With the perfect winter boots, the coldest time of the year can be experienced much warmer. GALA tells you which five models you should bet on now.

Cold winters call for warm boots. So that our feet don’t turn purple the first time we step outside the door in the frosty season, it’s worth Invest in quality shoes. It is important that next to that keep warm also that convenience criterion because nothing is more uncomfortable for our feet than being forced into shoes that cause sores and blisters. It is also good for the winter if the boots have a thick sole have to keep your foot as far away from the cold ground as possible. Here we show you which models keep you warm.

Black leather boots

Of course, absolutes are suitable as winter boots classic how black boots. Be it combats, Chelseas or chunky boots – they all work combine with almost any outfitare simple and therefore very changeable. Colorful accessories in the dreary winter can best be combined with these winter boots, as well as a bright coat.

Padded winter boots

If you like it cuddly and fluffy, you’re in padded winter boots well served. Because they hold particularly warm and are soft and comfortable around the ankles. Thanks to the feeding they are especially for icy snowy days suitable where the feet can quickly freeze due to the cold floor covering. This is definitely the best place to take a walk in the forest or go for a walk on the gas.

Knee high boots

Not only do some of us need to protect our feet from the cold in winter, our calves and knees also appreciate stylish protection for fewer goosebumps. Knee high boots with a thick sole are the best choice. In addition to black are this year too bright colors hip and provide a bit more lightness in the cold and monotonous season.

Suede boots

In general, shoes made of smooth leather are the better choice in mud and rain in winter. They are easy to impregnate and also easier to clean. at Suede winter boots is that a bit different, because they are more sensitive – but also very beautiful. So that we can still enjoy suede boots, we simply wear them on days with good weather, for example in sunshine and frost. They are in an elegant beige with many outfits combinable.

Winter boots with colorful accents

Just because winter sometimes seems colorless compared to the other seasons doesn’t mean we have to make it like nature does. Also winter boots allowed to colorful accents have, such as the sole. Otherwise kept in a simple black, the colorful tones bring a bit of happiness into play. To do this, combine either a All black outfit or choose a jumper or coat in the same color scheme as the sole. The look is complete.

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