the platform perceived as “a spit in the face of the victims”, several personalities respond

After the publication of a column in support of Gérard Depardieu, then in the midst of torment, several feminist personalities and groups responded and expressed their dismay. The response is as virulent as the appeal is laudatory.

It seems that a real arm wrestling be engaged between the defenders and detractors of Gérard Depardieu. The actor indicted for rape and sexual assault was the subject of a special issue of Further investigationbroadcast on France 2 at the beginning of December. The behavior of the actor highlighted immediately caused viewers to react, further provoking a media storm fueled by his supporters. Indeed, Gérard Depardieu was able to count on the speaking engagements of various women who know him very well, like his former partner Carole Bouquet who came out of her depths in Daily a few days ago. For her part, Fanny Ardant recalled that the presumption of innocence applied to all French citizens.

Since then, a column signed by around fifty personalities from the world of culture has been published by Le Figaro, on Christmas Day, in support of the César-winning actor, at the Cannes Film Festival and even at the Oscars. These remind us that nothing could ever erase the mark of Gérard Depardieu on French cinema. But detractors are already responding, on social networks the criticisms formulated in response to this call are almost in the majority.

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Valérie Trierweiler goes on the offensive

Indeed, several feminist associations raise their voices. For the president of the Women’s Foundation, “We don’t understand why the world of culture is mobilizing, we should use this voice to support the victims”she wanted to make known this Tuesday, December 26 to theAFP. For the co-founder of #MeTooMedias, Emmanuelle Dancourt, “there is a misunderstanding” when she hears “talk about the torrent of hatred pouring down on Depardieu”. “There is never revenge, but a need to protect others”, she said. Also, for the Nous Tous collective, “it’s a spit in the face of victims of violence”we deplore.

Several personalities active in politics also wanted to share their opinion, like the environmentalist councilor of the city of Paris Raphaëlle Rémy-Leleu, for whom the subject must remain “the impunity of the powerful and sexist and sexual violence”. She mentions “the gangrene of our artistic elite” on X (formerly Twitter), supported indirectly by Aurélien Rousseau, former Minister of Health who has just submitted his resignation after the vote on the immigration law in the National Assembly. “Erasing Depardieu, no one thinks about it. Erasing the words and the suffering of the victims, on the other hand, seems like a good start to me”, he in turn posted. Also, the ex-partner of François Hollande – Valerie Trierweiler – wrote a message to denounce “the abject words of Depardieu” In Further investigation and wonders “Where is the courage?” Today.

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A Blanche Cardin sketch resurfaces

In response to what is openly described as lynching against Gérard Depardieu, others respond by releasing the archives of a sequence from the 29th night of Molières, in 2017, with Blanche Cardin. The comedian attacked all the filmmakers “who rape kids”, without ever mentioning anyone. But the name Roman Polanski rang in quite a few heads at the time. “Is it strange this indulgence which only applies to artists? We don’t say of a baker: ‘yes it’s true, he rapes kids a bit in the bakery, but hey, he makes an extraordinary baguette’ “she had proclaimed.

These words find their echo today after reading the column published on December 25: “When we attack Gérard Depardieu in this way, it is art that we attack. To deprive ourselves of this immense actor would be a tragedy, a defeat. The death of art”.


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