The Plucky Squire reveals its gameplay

Unveiled during Summer Game Fest 2022, The Plucky Squire comes to give some news by presenting us this time part of its gameplay. And confirms to us, at the same time, that it will be released later this year on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch.

The Plucky Squire Trailer

The Plucky Squire takes us into the colorful kingdom of Mojo as he comes under threat from the terrible wizard Humgrump. This is where the intrepid Jot and the reckless heroes who accompany him, Violet, Thrash and Pip, come in. Moving from the book that follows their incredible adventures to the play that surrounds it, our little heroes embark on a quest to save the whole kingdom. To overcome Humgrump, they will have to venture far beyond the limits of their kingdom and discover a new world filled with surprises but also with dangers. The ultra colorful title immerses us in an offbeat children’s tale going from 2D to 3D in the blink of an eye, offering itself the luxury of reinventing itself as the adventure progresses.

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