The president of the French Football Federation “has no intention of stopping at all”

Noël Le Graët, president of the French Football Federation (FFF), told the newspaper The Team, Tuesday, September 13, that he did not “not at all the intention to stop”. “I have the clear, clear and precise intention to complete my mandate, until 2024”, says the leader, 80 years old and in office since 2011, while some media have reported statements from him that may suggest that he could resign at the federal assembly on January 7, 2023.

” I never said that. Those who repeated it misunderstood. I have no intention of quitting at all. If my health remains stable, if I’m doing well, there’s absolutely no reason for me to quit. I’m very good at my job and everyone likes me. I am lucky to be appreciated”adds Mr. Le Graët.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Noël Le Graët, re-elected until 2024 at the head of the FFF, extends his duo with Didier Deschamps

These statements come five days after the publication by the magazine SoFoot of an investigation entitled “My fede will crack”, in which are quoted three extracts from undated SMS which would have been recipients of current or past collaborators of the FFF and which would have sent Le Graët: “Come to my house for dinner tonight”, “I prefer blondes, so if that tells you”, “You are awfully curvy, I would put you in my bed”. According to a source interviewed by SoFootseveral women have resigned in recent years from the body because they felt “sexually harassed, but also morally” within the FFF.

“I don’t want to talk about this. We’ll see about that later…”replies Mr. Le Graët to the team. In any case, he was invited to “a moment of exchange” Friday, September 16 with the Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, in the company of Florence Hardouin, General Manager of the FFF. It’s about talking about “different subjects”, “supporters, the energy transition, the World Cup, and the article by SoFoot »the ministry said.

In a press release published on Tuesday, the union of professional players UNFP deplored “inaction” of the federation in the fight against harassment, “sexual or not”and hopes that this meeting can be “the opportunity to put an end to harassment, this plague of French football”.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers FFF: mix of genres, largesse and gray areas

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