the price and outdoor space, the first criteria for buyers

The existence of an outdoor space is, equal to the price, the first criterion deemed essential by home buyers, according to an Ipsos survey for the Qualitel association published Thursday.

We feel the mark, of course, of the pandemic, of confinement, analyzed Brice Teinturier, Deputy CEO of Ipsos, during the presentation of the study.

59% of French people surveyed who had acquired a property in the last five years cited the price as an essential criterion with no possible compromise, and the same for outdoor space (garden, terrace or balcony).

The type of accommodation (house or apartment) comes just behind, with 56% of buyers judging this criterion to be non-negotiable. A figure that climbs to 69% for home buyers, for whom this is the most important criterion.

The house always makes the French dream

The house remains the majority aspiration of the French, estimated Brice Teinturier. There is an imaginary around the house, not necessarily linked to a specific criterion, he added.

The survey, carried out on a sample of 3,056 people, including 1,664 who have changed housing (owners or tenants) in the last five years, was carried out in April, in the first months of the crisis which led to a surge in energy costs. .

Sign of a still strong attachment to the car, one buyer out of two (47%) considered the car park to be an essential criterion.

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And only one in three (34%) say they were concerned about the energy class of their future home during their visits prior to the purchase.

Many buyers have also had unpleasant surprises after their purchase: two out of three (68%) said they were bothered by aspects they had not noticed; and one in two (52%) declares having identified essential work after moving in.

The main unpleasant surprises identified afterwards concern thermal and acoustic discomfort: cold (17%), heat (13%), noise from neighbors (16%) and from the street (12%). The magnitude of charges and expenses comes next (11%).

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