the price of supplies rising sharply with inflation, how to limit costs?

The price of back-to-school supplies has increased by 4.25% between 2021 and 2022, according to a recent study. It was mainly sports items and stationery that increased, increasing parents’ budgets this year. Different tricks can however make it possible to buy for less.

Inflation no longer only affects energy or food prices. It now also concerns the start of the school year, reports RTL. According to a recent study by the association Famille de France, the cost of going back to school has thus increase by 4.25% between 2021 and 2022. The budget today is 208 euros for a sixth-grade student.

Five years ago, this budget was only 196 euros. The increase is explained in particular by the soaring prices of sports accessories, which have increased by 4%, or even 12% in supermarkets. School supplies have also increasedfor example 3% for fountain pens, erasers and glue sticks, note Capital.

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Different tips to reduce the bill

In June 2022, the Federation of Parents’ Councils (FCPE) measured in a press release the price increase of 18% on notebooks and 20% on sheets depending on the department. But he is possible to limit the bill during home races. Famille de France advises in particular to go to a hypermarket or supermarket, where promotions and good deals are more frequent than in specialized stores.

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Some brands also offer reduction coupons for the return of certain items, such as a satchel, RTL says. It is also possible to buy second-hand on websites (Leboncoin) or at solidarity collection points (The Red Cross, Emmas). Finally, parents’ associations offer purchases of supplies by group order to reduce prices. In addition, the law on purchasing power has provided for a revaluation of 4% of the back-to-school allowance (ARS) for the start of the 2022 school year. The latter will however not be included in the payment of the ARS for this Tuesday. August 16, 2022. It will not be distributed to beneficiary parents until the beginning of September with the payment of other Caf benefits.

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