The Privacy Sandbox is coming to Android: let’s see what Google promises us

Alexander Boero

February 16, 2022 at 2 p.m.


Google neon logo © Mitchell Luo via

© Mitchell Luo via

Google has outlined its plans for extending the Privacy Sandbox initiative to Android. It should give rise to new advertising solutions that are more respectful of privacy.

Google may have dropped FLoC, the future-ex descendant of third-party cookies, but not Privacy Sandbox. The Mountain View company even unveiled, on Wednesday, a multi-year plan to export its initiative to Android, with the main objective of presenting new advertising solutions that respect the privacy of users. Privacy Sandbox does not lose sight of its primary intentions: to prevent tracking while browsing, to help publishers and developers provide privacy-friendly sites and tools, and to maintain an open Web.

Google wants to limit the sharing of Android user data with third parties

The Privacy Sandbox initiative on Android will have to fulfill a complex promise, aiming to preserve the economic model of mobile applications (of which 90% are free), which relies on advertising, while doing more, to ensure better confidentiality of personal data. users. In this sense, Google has already taken a first step with the advertising identifier. Users can now replace it, in the eyes of the developers, with a simple string of zeros, by simply disabling interest-based advertising or ad personalization, from Android settings.

As part of the Privacy Sandbox initiative on Android, Google wants its future advertising solutions to work without cross-app identifiers, and so that includes the advertising identifiers we just discussed. They will limit the sharing of user data with third parties. The Mountain View firm also announces work, in parallel, on other technologies that would prevent data from being punctured in a hidden manner. For example, they might offer safer ways to integrate apps with adware SDKs.

With the launch of the initiative on Android, Google wishes on the one hand to preserve the confidentiality of its many users, but also ” provide businesses and developers with the tools to grow on mobile platforms “. Over the next two years, Google will maintain current mobile advertising capabilities. ” We will notify stakeholders well in advance of any changes “, promises the firm.

Achieve, this time, to federate the entire sector

If Google gives itself two years to come up with viable and definitive solutions, the work begins immediately. The company even tells us that developers can now study Google’s proposals and provide their feedback on the site dedicated to Android developers. The latter will discover the first previews of the solutions during the course of the year. A beta version is even planned for the end of 2022, which implies that things will not drag out.

The hardest part begins for Google, which will have to convince the various players in the sector. Several partners have already expressed their interest in participating, we are told, in order to improve the privacy of advertisements on Android. Snap (for Snapchat) is one of those. ” At Snap, privacy is a priority and is at the heart of our product design. We’re excited to work with Google to build new standards for privacy on Android “, Indicates the social network. Voodoo, SmartNews and Duolingo are also among the players ready to work with the American giant.

In addition to the players in the sector, Google will also have to do with the various regulators, with which the company already considers itself ready to work. ” We have publicly made certain commitments as part of our Web Privacy Sandbox initiative, including not giving preferential treatment to Google advertising products or our own sites. We will also apply these principles to our Android projects and we will continue to work with the UK Competition and Markets Authority, among others. she says.

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