“The private sector is not doing enough to finance innovation”

There is no doubt that Bruno Bonnell has May 22 on his agenda, the date of the opening of the new edition of the VivaTech technology fair, whose main themes this year will be artificial intelligence (AI) and data. Subjects that particularly interest him since he left his mandate as a deputy to lead the France 2030 plan dedicated to investments for the future.

Announced in 2021, this plan is endowed with 54 billion euros, of which 2 billion were devoted to AI. Already 31 billion have been committed to support around 4,000 projects, but the remaining amount to be spent should make it possible to invest even more massively in French companies involved in AI, directly or indirectly.

“We don’t want to be left behind in this revolution”argues Mr. Bonnell, who recalls the attractiveness of France in this discipline, whether it is university training, investments announced by digital giants such as Microsoft and its 4 billion euro project to build new data centers, or France’s progress in developing quantum computers.

“Safeguarded” expenses

In a climate of budgetary austerity set by Bercy, there is no question of adding to the pot, nor of reducing resources: “Whether it is the Prime Minister [Gabriel Attal]the Minister of the Economy [Bruno Le Maire] or the Minister of Industry [Roland Lescure], all have certified that these expenses are protected. This is not spending to plug deficits but for the future”explains Mr. Bonnell.

Better, the manager assures that the plan led by the State will be reimbursed between 2028 and 2029 through the payment by the assisted companies of VAT, social charges for the jobs generated, and corporate tax. And Mr. Bonnell recalled that the report produced in June 2023 by the Future Investments Monitoring Committee predicts that France 2030 should increase the country’s gross domestic product by 40 to 80 billion euros and create 288,000 to 600,000 jobs by 2030.

Read also: France 2030: what to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s announcements on innovation

To date, the plan initiated by the State supports VSEs, SMEs and start-ups in equal parts, on the one hand, and large groups, on the other hand, with in particular the financing of the Verkor electric battery gigafactory , in Dunkirk (North), or the extension of the STMicroelectonics semiconductor production site, in Crolles (Isère). “We are involved in support operations which range from 50,000 or 10,000 euros to over 2 billion euros”explains Mr. Bonnell.

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