The PS paves the way for discussions with the entire left for the legislative elections

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After its crushing defeat in the presidential election, the rose party recognized Tuesday, April 20, in line with its first secretary Olivier Faure, the leadership of the Popular Union of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, calling to take into account its good intermediate election results.

While Jean-Luc Mélenchon, guest on BFM TV, asked the French to elect him Prime Minister, the Socialists met in a national council to discuss their future and the place that the rebellious would have in it. At the end of the debates, the resolution adopted stipulates that the PS “opens a unitary path for the legislative elections” and gives a mandate to the party leadership to “Engage in discussions to build the rally and lead to a base of common fights and common candidacies of the left and ecology wherever possible”.

Membership vote and useful vote

“Jean-Luc Mélenchon easily came out on top in the first round on the left, benefiting from both a membership vote and a useful vote to bring the left to the second round, can we read in the text that was voted on. We have never believed in irreconcilable lefts, however we must not hide our differences which are sometimes deep. A way of reaching out to the rebellious without turning a cheek.

Since the evening of the first round, Olivier Faure, the first secretary of the PS, repeats that it is now necessary, finally, for real, to be in the rally without wanting to direct it. A theory put to the test by the truth of the polls: Mélenchon, …

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