The quarantine flat share: Hunziker and Kroos give updates from Italy and Spain

Günther Jauch (63), Thomas Gottschalk (69) and Oliver Pocher (42) also invited to their "Quarantine-WG" on RTL on Tuesday. This time the team of three welcomed soccer professional Toni Kroos (30, "Kroos") and Gottschalk's former "Wetten, dass ..?" Colleague Michelle Hunziker (43) to their improvised prime time show. While the conversation with the Real Madrid kicker came along cheerfully, Hunziker's comments were affected.

Good mood talk

Gottschalk in particular showed his well-known quick wit in two episodes and was worried that Amira would promptly leave her Oliver as soon as she regained her sense of taste. Even the Pocher was at a loss for a return carriage. Afterwards Gottschalk made for a welcome laugh in the crisis – because of his absolute ignorance about football. At first he was sure that he was dealing with a forward in the person of Kroos, then he realized that he must have been mistaken for Günter Netzer (75).

Kroos then shared his experiences in Spain. There, the security measures are even higher than in Germany, which the Real Madrid player did not denounce, on the contrary. He thinks it's good that there were quicker and more rigorous consequences in Spain.

The situation in Italy is serious

It became much more serious when moderator Michelle Hunziker joined the men's group. She is currently with her family in the hometown of her husband Tomaso Trussardi (36) – Bergamo, who is immensely affected by the coronavirus. Some people would die there alone in their homes because there are simply too many sick people and too few helpers, reports Hunziker.

At the same time, she and her family want to stay there to express their solidarity and love for the city. The realization that people are the same everywhere made for somewhat less stressful tones – because even in Italy, supermarkets have been looking for toilet paper in vain for weeks.