The Queen turned 96: why are the royals getting so old?

The Queen turned 96
Why are the royals getting so old?

The Queen and Prince Philip lived long lives.

© imago/Starface

Prince Philip and the Queen were over 90 when they died, Queen Mum over 100. Why are the royals getting so old?

Prince Philip (1921-2021) was almost 100 years old when he died. Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) has now died at the age of 96. Her mother, Queen Mum (1900-2002), lived for 101 years. That’s far more than the average life expectancy of one of their subjects. What are the royals doing differently?

It could be coincidence that they live so long. A professor at the University of Illinois in Chicago, S. Jay Olshansky, who researches aging processes, attributes the old age that the royals reach to their privileges. in an article, which he wrote on the subject for The Conversation, he quoted a study conducted in Manchester, England, in 2017. This is intended to show the major differences in life expectancy due to people’s living conditions. According to the genetic prerequisites, education, income, health care, food or living and working environments play a role in life expectancy.

Queen was a non-smoker

The Queen and Prince Philip’s refusal to smoke may also have contributed to their long lives. Elizabeth II had her sister Princess Margaret (1930-2002), her father George VI. (1895-1952), her uncle Eduard VIII. (1894-1972), her grandfather George V. (1865-1936) and her great-grandfather Eduard VII. (1841-1910), among other things, as a result of smoking. The Queen herself is said to have never smoked and allegedly asked Prince Philip to quit smoking after the wedding.

The royals also apparently eat very healthily – probably thanks to the numerous chefs who work for the royal family. Queen Elizabeth II is said to have loved fish and avoided foods like pasta and potatoes when eating alone. For dinner, she reportedly preferred a combination of meat or fish with vegetables.

Philip and the Queen also proved that physical activity helps to reach old age. He is said to have kept fit into old age and the monarch herself is said to have pursued her favorite hobby, horseback riding, until last year. In addition, walks with their dogs were the order of the day. Mental fitness should always have been in demand with the royal couple’s busy schedule.

The Royals also have access to exclusive health care with private doctors. Problems can thus be detected early. Studies have also shown that one of the many reasons for longevity is a strong “purpose in life.” That should also have played a role with the Queen. Two days before her death, she personally appointed the new British Prime Minister Liz Truss (47)….


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