The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee: Actor Tom Cruise announced as guest star

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Actor Tom Cruise announced as guest star

Tom Cruise gets a surprise honor in the UK.

© Juan Dela Cruz/

Tom Cruise to guest at the Queen’s platinum jubilee? The invitation for the American is very surprising.

This name on the guest list at Queen Elizabeth II’s (96) Platinum Jubilee celebrations is more than surprising: As various media report unanimously, Hollywood star Tom Cruise (59) is said to play a not insignificant role in the 70th anniversary of Elizabeth II’s throne. Namely, at the televised broadcast of a live performance called ‘The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration’, taking place outside Windsor Castle on May 15 and being broadcast on ITV.

A performance with around 1,300 actors and almost 500 horses in four chapters will recreate the royal story from the reign of Elizabeth I to the coronation of Elizabeth II. Queen Elizabeth I is embodied by Dame Helen Mirren (76), who is very familiar with the portrayal of a queen: in 2007 she was awarded an Oscar for her role as Elizabeth II in “The Queen”.

And how is Tom Cruise supposed to come into play in all this? At least not as an actor. Each of the four acts presented is said to be moderated by a star guest. In addition to “Homeland” actor Damian Lewis (51), “Bridgerton” star Adjoa Andoh (59) and TV presenter and poet Alan Titchmarsh (72), the fourth in the group is said to be Cruise. However, it is not yet known exactly what task he will be assigned.

Why Tom Cruise?

While Lewis, Andoh and Titchmarsh all hail from the UK, Cruise stands out on this list. What does the New York-born American have to do with the Queen?

The Twitter mockery was therefore not long in coming. From a new “Mission: Imperial” for Cruise there is talk, others fear more foreign shame potential as “at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games”.

The May 15 spectacle is one of several events planned to mark the Queen’s 70th jubilee. The climax will be a four-day celebration, running from June 2nd to June 5th.


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