the question not to ask

Thanks to her talents as an illustrator, Héloïse Weiner, stages this famous question that is (too) often asked of women.

"When's the second one? "," When will the baby be? "," The clock is ticking, you have to go fast! »,« You have to chain together otherwise the body will not hold ». These seemingly innocent, and often benevolent questions and phrases annoy the women concerned.

Stop the pressure of the biological clock

"When's the second one? "," When will the baby be? "," The clock is ticking, you have to go fast! »,« You have to chain together otherwise the body will not hold ». These seemingly innocent, and often benevolent questions and phrases annoy the women concerned.

Indeed, if the question "When will the baby be?" May seem trivial or general, it highlights real social pressure and points the finger at those who do not want to have children.

According to Héloise Weiner, illustrator, the question of knowing when a woman plans to have a child is a personal question that falls within the private sphere. Through a drawing published on her instagram account (put the link) and which has gone viral, she shows how this question can bother the people who receive it. She aptly illustrates this with responses from women with different experiences: it could be a woman who dreams of having a child but who has an illness that prevents her from doing so, another who has just had a wrong diaper, or one who is waiting to find love. Situations that may make them uncomfortable or that may hurt the interlocutor based on their personal experience.

Yes, there are many factors that can come into play. First, a professional career adds to the anxiety that women can feel, because work can have its place in the choice of having a child. Some prefer to prioritize (or advocate) their professional career more and postpone the question of having a child until later.
Then, being a parent is not everyone's will and some couples who cannot conceive children have to face this painful question:
I have friends who have been waiting for the famous positive pregnancy test for years and witnessing their pain has made me realize that this question can be painful", The illustrator reports to Huffpost.

The end of taboos?

Today, many French personalities are speaking out and sharing their experience, such as Hapsatou Sy, columnist and entrepreneur, or the former Miss France Rachel Trapani who shared her womb a week after giving birth. Reality TV stars are playing the game, including Coralie Porrovecchio who opened up about complications following her pregnancy.

It is important to talk about it openly in order to avoid fueling all forms of controversy and putting a stop to social pressure. So to the question "When will the baby be?" The answer is when you want and when you can.

You can find Héloise Weiner's drawings on instagram: @byheloiseweiner

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