the question of the extension of the rebates of TotalEnergies provokes a government hiccup

The price of gasoline is a bit like the price of bread, politicians know that they have to be watched closely. While France is paralyzed by fuel shortages caused by strikes in refineries, the question of the price at the pump is resurfacing, in a context where purchasing power remains one of the main subjects of concern for the French. After weeks of uninterrupted decline, fuel prices have indeed risen sharply since the end of September, according to figures from the Ministry of Ecological Transition published Monday, October 10. Diesel has jumped an average of 10 cents per liter in one week, and gasoline by about 7 cents per litre.

Read also: Fuel shortage: ten answers to your questions to understand the current crisis

This increase comes at a time when the various discounts in force in France will begin to decrease from the end of October, to be completely extinguished at the end of the year. In September and October, the price of a liter of fuel was indeed reduced by 50 cents, thanks to a discount of 30 cents financed by the State, combined with a boost of 20 cents granted by the energy company TotalEnergies. But these discounts are intended to fall to 20 cents per liter in November and December (10 cents paid by the State, 10 cents by TotalEnergies). And will disappear from 1er next January.

A schedule that fuel shortages could however disrupt. “The days of blocking access to fuel that we are experiencing will lead to extensions of rebates, assured the Minister of Transport, Clément Beaune, Tuesday, October 11, on RMC, claiming to have asked TotalEnergies that the rebate granted by the oil group “is extended for a few days, which corresponds to the time when the French were unable (in) benefit “. He also found it abnormal that “a few strike profiteers” made them jump “gasoline prices at the pump” at some stations.

“Relief Envelope”

In reality, the government has been monitoring this subject very closely since the start of the school year. During the presentation of the 2023 budget on September 26, the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire admitted to being ready to extend the support measures if necessary. “If tomorrow, there were to be another surge in the price of oil, he explained, we have provided an emergency envelope, whether for companies or individuals. But this aid would be targeted at those who have no choice but to drive to work. » Before specifying having set aside 1.8 billion euros in the budget for this purpose. “I can’t imagine our majority not intervening if the price of gasoline were to soar next year, abounded a few days ago the budget rapporteur, Jean-René Cazeneuve. But that’s not our central scenario. »

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