the rant of the humorist Elodie Arnould

/ Mom / Child / “Dads are not substitute parents”: the rant of humorist Elodie Arnould

Comedian Elodie Arnould denounces the place of fathers, those forgotten in the family cocoon in a hilarious video posted on social networks. "Women have more maternal instinct", "In nature it is females who take care of babies." What about dads?

Often, the father is locked into an image of authority and neglected his importance in the development of the child.
Between the educational institutions which are aimed mainly at mothers or the educational textbooks reserved only for the latter, dads are excluded and for the most part, left to fend for themselves. Solitude is therefore at the rendezvous.

The father of the family, the invisible man

In a video posted on Facebook, comedian Elodie Arnould criticizes the place given to the father in the family nest. Indeed, the latter is considered to be the replacement parent and his status is not of great importance. "The mom is always seen as the primary parent and the dad as the replacement parent, the one you really call when you have no other options," she explains. However, it is quite the opposite. "As long as this is not entrenched in mentalities, women will always be penalized at work and equality will not be achieved." While it is sometimes hard for a woman to be accepted into a man's job, it is the same for men. When will we see parity in caring for children?

Yep, life as a father can be difficult, especially if it lacks recognition! "Why aren't they allowed to be present for the first three days after childbirth? Or "I wouldn't have survived the postpartum if he hadn't had a bed with me in the room throughout the hospital stay." His place is essential from start to finish.
Let’s forget about urban myths such as the bossy, strict, unsensitive father figure and make way for 2.0 dads. It’s time to give them the place they deserve and normalize their role within the family.

Combating gender stereotypes

"There is a paragraph in maternity books that explains that men are happy to have children because it proves their manhood," says the humorist.
Fathers are often seen as a “parenting handicap”. Learning skills that are socially seen as feminine, such as rocking the baby or bottle-feeding, is said to be a threat to their manhood. But how to explain these stereotypes? This resistance in some men is socially built around the idea that it is only the mother who should maintain this role.

“A single man with a baby gains confidence and skills and ensures true co-parenting,” she explains. Yes, it is by nurturing this figure of authority that a man will never be able to truly flourish as a father. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to express himself, to confirm his place in the family, to take care of the children … and not to see him as a simple life-size sperm.

Let's keep in mind that there has been a real upheaval in fatherhood! Of course, evolution is slow, but things have changed. Even if it still takes time to achieve equality. So as Elodie Arnould pointed out, let's not forget that "a partner loves to take care of offspring"!

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